The last Wednesday of the month is an admission free day of museums in Antwerp. We went there with a friend. We were going to a museum in a place a little distant from the center of the town. It's different from the area where old buildings are left and Modern buildings stand. |
アントワープ Antwerp Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 1:51 |
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It's an escalator for the bicycle located at the center of the footbridge. When you put a wheel of the bicycle on the belt, the belt moves. However a human must walk on the stairs. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 1:52 |
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We came to The Museum aan de Stroom in Antwerp. It opened in May 2011 and is the largest museum in Antwerp. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 1:53 |
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久しぶりに来ました。 屋上の展望台へは無料で上れます。
I visited there after a long absence. A rooftop observation platform is no charge for admission. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 1:55 |
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They are a cart and milk cans with which Nello appears on "A Dog of Flanders" brings milk every day. "Dog of Flanders", a Japanese animation TV series, was played on the screen. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 1:56 |
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郊外からアントワープへ続く道。 ネロとパトラッシュはこう言う道を毎日歩いていたんだね。
The road leading to Antwerp from the suburbs. I think Nello and Patrasche walk on such a road every day. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:45 |
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アントワープ市庁舎前のマルクト広場。 今と全然変わってないよ。
The market place in front of the town hall of Antwerp. Nothing has changed completely. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:46 |
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スヘルデ川の対岸から見たアントワープ市街地。 この景色は見ていないなぁ。
The view of the town of Antwerp from the Scheldt. I have not seen this scenery. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:47 |
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It's a wonderful painting. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:48 |
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A woman sitting over the door weaves a bobiin lace. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:48 |
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There are a lot of ship models because it's a maritime museum. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:50 |
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These statues from South Africa have a laid back personality. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:51 |
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Nice statues of the family. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:53 |
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The room of the picture which an afterimage is left little by little. A photo of me and a friend. It is difficult to see. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:54 |
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Weird exhibition room. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:55 |
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There are exhibitons with various theme on the each floor and it was interesting. |
MAS Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:56 |
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The view of the direction of "The Cathedral of Our Lady" from a rooftop observation platform |
レッド・スター・ライン博物館 Red Star Line Museum Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 2:59 |
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We visited "Red Star Line Museum". It takes 10 minutes on foot from "MAS". |
レッド・スター・ライン博物館 Red Star Line Museum Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 3:04 |
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Between 1873 and 1934, more than 2 million people boarded ships of "Red Star Line", departed for New York and migrated to The United States. |
レッド・スター・ライン博物館 Red Star Line Museum Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 3:06 |
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Albert Einstein migrated to the United States from here. His letters and voice are left. |
アントワープ Antwerp Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 3:22 |
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博物館をふたつまわって帰ります。 旧市街地とは違った雰囲気。工場が並ぶエリア。
We go home after the visit of 2 museums. There is a different atmosphere from the old town. It's an industrial area. |
アントワープ Antwerp Junko 2018年11月13日(火) 3:23 |
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アントワープの違う面をみることができました。 お天気がよくて気持ちのいい一日でした。
I could see the different face of Antwerp. The weather was very nice and it was a pleasant day today. |