「ブリュッセル空港」 クリスマスはサンタさんに会いにフィンランドのロバニエミへ行きます。飛行機に乗っての旅行はこれで最後。次に空港へ来るのは帰国の日です。
"Brussels Airport" We are going to Rovaniemi in Finland to meet Santa Claus on Christmas. It is the last travel by airplane. When we will come to the airport next time, it will be our return day to our home country. |
ロバニエミ空港 Rovaniemi Airport Junko 2019年6月3日(月) 21:19 |
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We arrived at Rovaniemi in Finland. Of course "Santa Claus" was featured. The airport was built in 1940. |
ロバニエミ空港 Rovaniemi Airport Junko 2019年6月3日(月) 21:34 |
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Temperature is 22 degrees below zero now. |
ロバニエミ空港 Rovaniemi Airport Junko 2019年6月3日(月) 21:35 |
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Of course, the outside was very cold. We live in the below-zero world for four days from now on. |
ロバニエミ Rovaniemi Junko 2019年6月3日(月) 21:40 |
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ホテルに着いてお夕飯。外は寒くてでる気にならず、ホテルのレストランでとることに。 「ロヒケイット」。サーモンのシチューです。
We arrived at the hotel and had a dinner. The outside was cold and we did not have the intention to go out. Therefore we decided to have a dinner at the restaurant of the hotel. "Lohikeitto". Salmon soup. |
ロバニエミ Rovaniemi Junko 2019年6月3日(月) 21:41 |
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ラップランドの伝統料理、トナカイのシチュー。 ごちそうさまでした。
Traditional cuisine of Lapland, stewed reindeer. Thank you for dinner. |
2018.12.24 トナカイ牧場 Reindeer Farm Junko 2019年6月3日(月) 22:54 |
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まるで真夜中という感じだけど、そこそこな時間です。 氷点下だと道路は凍らず粉雪が舞い上がります。
It looked like the midnight, although it was a morning. When temperature is below a freezing point, a road does not freeze and powdery snow is blown up. |
トナカイ牧場 Reindeer Farm Junko 2019年6月3日(月) 22:55 |
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We had a warm drink and listened to an old tale at the small cabin. |
トナカイ牧場 Reindeer Farm Junko 2019年6月3日(月) 22:58 |
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Mr."John Doe" with excellent antlers. Though I heard his name, I forgot it. I don't think he is Rudolph. |
トナカイ牧場 Reindeer Farm Junko 2019年6月3日(月) 23:03 |
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He will start his work from now on because it is Christmas Eve today. Good luck. |
トナカイ牧場 Reindeer Farm Junko 2019年6月3日(月) 23:04 |
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So we were going to "Santa Claus village" next. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 21:08 |
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The Arctic Circle runs through Santa Claus Village. It marks the southernmost latitude where the sun can stay continuously below or above the horizon for 24 hours - these phenomena are known as the Midnight Sun in the summer and the Polar Night in the winter. A blue line is the border of the Arctic Circle. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 21:10 |
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Temperature rose near noon. It was 14 degrees below zero now. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 21:12 |
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This post office sends letters of Santa Claus to all over the world. We write a letter by ourselves because a letter of Santa Claus is very expensive. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 21:13 |
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This is it. We bought a stamp of "Santa Claus village". |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 21:14 |
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We mailed it in a mailbox. If you want to receive a letter next Christmas, you mail it in a red mailbox. If you want it immediately, you do in a yellow mailbox. Anyway you can receive it with a postmark of "Santa Claus village". |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 21:15 |
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今からサンタさんに会いに行きます。 もちろんアポ取ってね。サンタさんはお忙しいです。
We were going to meet Santa Claus now. Of course we had an appointment. Santa Claus was very busy. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 21:19 |
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Here is a Santa Claus's office. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 21:21 |
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Even though we had an appointment, we had to form this long line. It is hard to meet Santa Claus. People, who want to give their child a present from Santa Claus, deposit it they bring at the reception in advance. If that is done, Sanra Claus gives him/her a present like he prepared. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 21:22 |
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こんな人も来てたらしい。 うれしそうやん!
Such a person seemed to come. He looks very happy. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 21:25 |
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やっと会えました。 この写真30ユーロ。「はぁ?」っていうぐらい高い。イブにサンタさんに会えたし、まあ、仕方ないね…
We have met him at last. The cost of this picture is 30 euros. We would like to say,"What a price !". We must stretch our patience because we were able to meet Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 22:30 |
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The scenery around the village. Though there was a lot of snow piling up, it was not slippery because it was not frozen. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 22:32 |
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He stood straddling the Arctic Circle, although it was not seen with snow. |
サンタクロース村 Santa Claus Village Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 22:34 |
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氷でできた「ムーミン」。 「イッタラ」や「マリメッコ」のアウトレットがあったのでショッピングもして…
"Moomin" made of ice. There were the outlet stores of "Iittala" and "Marimekko" and we did shopping there. |
サーリセルカ Saariselka Junko 2019年6月4日(火) 22:36 |
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The room of the hotel has a sauna. We had a dinner in a buffet style and Santa Claus came there. It was not absolutely Instagenic and I did not take any photos. We took a sauna and went to sleep. |
2018.12.25 サーリセルカ Saariselka Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 20:24 |
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今日はクロスカントリーのアクティビティに参加。 足腰立たなくなりました。転んでばかりでおしり痛ーい。
Today we took a lesson of the cross-country. We were very tired. I tumbled down many times and my butt hurt. |
Petronella Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 20:45 |
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We had chatting and a drink with a British couple who took a cross-country lesson together. It was about time to dinner. We had an early dinner because we were going to the aurora hunting tour. (Its booking time is 4 PM.) We booked the restaurant near the hotel. We heard a British couple visited there yesterday. They mentioned it was the best restaurant in Saariselka. |
Petronella Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 21:16 |
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スープ。 濃厚な蟹のスープでした。おいしー。
Soup. Rich crab soup. Amazing. |
Petronella Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 21:17 |
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Reindeer steak. Big meal. |
Petronella Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 21:37 |
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We had a dessert and became full. |
Petronella Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 21:39 |
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お夕飯が4時ではお店はがらんとしていました。 気さくなマダムがサーブしてくれる居心地のいいお店でした。
When we had a dinner at 4 PM, the restaurant was almost empty. It was a comfortable restaurant and a friendly madam served. |
サーリセルカ Saariselka Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 21:39 |
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We went back to the hotel for the moment. |
サーリセルカ Saariselka Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 21:40 |
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Let's take a tripod and a better camera when you go to see the aurora. You can't take a photo of the aurora by a smart phone. |
2018.12.26 サーリセルカ Saariselka Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:28 |
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Today we will experience a dogsled. We took a walk in the morning because we will begin it in the afternoon. It grows light near noon. |
サーリセルカ Saariselka Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:30 |
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Though snow was tread down, it was not slippy due to powder snow. I knew the world of the degree below zero. |
犬ぞり体験 Dogsled Safari Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:36 |
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One person sits on the sledge. Another stands on the rear of the sledge to put on the brakes and support the progress of the sledge. |
犬ぞり体験 Dogsled Safari Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:37 |
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He asks if we ride the sledge. |
犬ぞり体験 Dogsled Safari Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:38 |
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I sit here. |
犬ぞり体験 Dogsled Safari Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:39 |
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We were running on the snowfield. |
犬ぞり体験 Dogsled Safari Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:45 |
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森の中もけっこうなスピードで走ります。 迫力あるー
They ran at tremendous speed even in the forest. It was powerful. |
犬ぞり体験 Dogsled Safari Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:45 |
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The photo of the sledge. It was hard work for a person standing on the rear of the sledge. |
犬ぞり体験 Dogsled Safari Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:46 |
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We ran in the forest for about a hour. |
犬ぞり体験 Dogsled Safari Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:47 |
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どうもありがとねー。 楽しかったよー
Thank you very much. We had a fun. |
Teerenpesa Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:50 |
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We had a dinner at 4 PM because we were going to the aurora hunting tour today as well. We booked a table, however when we had a dinner at 4 pm, the restaurant was almost empty same as yesterday. |
Teerenpesa Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:51 |
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Very beautiful assorted hors-d'oeuvres. |
Teerenpesa Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:52 |
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Mushrooms soup. |
Teerenpesa Junko 2019年6月5日(水) 22:56 |
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おしゃれなお店でおいしいお夕飯をいただきました。 この後のオーロラハンティング、見えたんだけど写真は撮れませんでした…
We had a nice dinner at the stylish restaurant. We were not able to take photos of the aurora, although we saw it. |
2018.12.27 イヴァロ空港 Ivalo Airport Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:00 |
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We met Santa Claus and saw auroras. We had nothing to regret there. We were going to Helsinki. |
イヴァロ空港 Ivalo Airport Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:05 |
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We always use a ramp to board an airplane at Ivalo Airport. It seems that there is no direct route between the airport building and an airplane. |
フィンエアー Finnair Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:07 |
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Only a drink was served because it was a short distance flight. As we expected, Finnair used Marimekko. |
マーケット広場 Market Square Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:09 |
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As expected, an open-air market was not held in this season. However indoor market opened. |
マーケット広場 Market Square Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:10 |
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ここね。 ランチをここでとることに。
Here it is. We decided to have a lunch here. |
マーケット広場 Market Square Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:11 |
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ここでシーフードのランチを食べました。 イカのリングフライがおいしかったー。
We had a seafood lunch here. Deep fried calamari rings were great. |
テンペリアウキオ教会 Temppeliaukio Church Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:13 |
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Built directly into big solid rock, it is also known as the "Church of the Rock" and "Rock Church". |
テンペリアウキオ教会 Temppeliaukio Church Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:14 |
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The church opened in 1969. It is used frequently as a concert venue due to its excellent acoustics. The acoustic quality is created by the rough, virtually unworked rock surfaces. |
ウスペンスキー寺院 Uspenski Cathedral Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:16 |
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It is the main cathedral of the Orthodox Church of Finland which is set upon a hillside. The wonderful brick-cathedral was built in 1862-1868. |
ウスペンスキー寺院 Uspenski Cathedral Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:17 |
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We were able to take a photo. It is unusual for an orthodox church. Icons were decorated and it was a gorgeous altar.
ヘルシンキ大聖堂 Helsinki Cathedral Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:19 |
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「ウスペンスキー寺院」から見る「ヘルシンキ大聖堂」。 これから大聖堂に向かいます。
The view of "Helsinki Cathedral" from "Uspenski Cathedral". We were heading for Helsinki Cathedral. |
ヘルシンキ大聖堂 Helsinki Cathedral Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:20 |
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We arrived. It was already dark. It is the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran cathedral of the Diocese of Helsinki.
ヘルシンキ大聖堂 Helsinki Cathedral Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:27 |
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The church was originally built between 1830 and 1852. We went through the Senate Square and headed for the cathedral. A statue of Emperor Alexander II, erected in 1894, is located in the center of the square. |
ヘルシンキ大聖堂 Helsinki Cathedral Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:30 |
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The interior of the cathedral. It seemed to be new relatively.
ヘルシンキ大聖堂 Helsinki Cathedral Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:31 |
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When we came to Helsinki in the summer long ago, we did the sightseeing in the same course. In summer, the white building shines in the blue sky. Beautiful. |
ヘルシンキ大聖堂 Helsinki Cathedral Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:32 |
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大聖堂の中を見て外に出るともう、夜になっていました。 日が短い!!
When we got out from the cathedral, it was already night. Days were short. |
エスプラナーディ通り Esplanadi Katu Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:33 |
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We were walking on the main street of the town to buy the last souvenirs. |
エスプラナーディ通り Esplanadi Katu Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:33 |
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クリスマスの飾りがきれいです。 夜が長いから、イルミネーションにも力が入っているのではないかなー
Christmas decorations were very beautiful. I think Finnish people give high priority to them because nights are very long. |
エスプラナーディ公園 Esplanadi Park Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:40 |
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I bought a small doll of "Aarikka" and a key ring of Moomin. I was happy I was able to buy it at last because I wanted something of "Aarikka". We were heading for the airport. |
ヘルシンキ空港 Helsinki Airport Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:41 |
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We had a burger at the airport as a dinner. We rushed into the restaurant just before the closing time. It was tasty. |
ブリュッセル空港 Brussels Airport Junko 2019年6月6日(木) 21:43 |
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We came back to Brussels. It was the last time when we could say "We came home". I wanted to take a photo of the familiar airport today. The last trip was also fun. We made a lot of good memories. |