
修正キー (英数8文字以内)
 2018.11.18 ドイツ美城めぐり Tour of German Beautiful Castles Junko  2019年2月19日(火) 21:22

We went for the tour of German castles.
The days were shortening and the sky is getting light at last when we left our house.

 ドイツ美城めぐり Tour of German Beautiful Castles Junko  2019年2月19日(火) 21:59 修正

The weather has become fine.

 エルツ城 Eltz Castle Junko  2019年2月19日(火) 22:00 修正

Firstly we were heading for "Eltz Castle", one of the most beautiful 3 castles in Germany.

 エルツ城 Eltz Castle Junko  2019年2月19日(火) 22:07 修正

We parked a car at the parking lot and headed for the castle.

 エルツ城 Eltz Castle Junko  2019年2月19日(火) 22:12 修正

We arrived at the castle.
The castle appeared suddenly from a forest. Its location is outstanding. It's a wonderful castle. It was built in the 12th century and is still owned by a branch of the same family (the Eltz family) that lived there in the 12th century, 33 generations ago.

 エルツ城 Eltz Castle Junko  2019年2月19日(火) 22:13 修正
えー!門が閉ってるー。冬期休業中でした…。1688年から1689年までの大同盟戦争でライン地方の多くの城が破壊されました。しかし、エルツ家出身のHans Anton zu Eltz-uttingenが、フランス軍の上級将校であったため、エルツ城は破壊を免れました。

Oh, no, The gate was closed. The castle was closed during the winter months. In the Palatinate War of Succession from 1688 to 1689, most of the early Rhenish castles were destroyed. Since Hans Anton was a senior officer in the French army to Eltz uttingen, he was able to protect the castle Eltz from destruction.

 エルツ城 Eltz Castle Junko  2019年2月21日(木) 21:51 修正
調べてみたら城内はかなり質素な造りなのだとか。外観を楽しむだけでも良さそうです。Hugo Philipp zu Eltz伯爵は1794年から1815年のフランス軍によるライン川支配の間、逃げ出したと考えられています。フランス軍はコブレンツにあった本部が所有した関連物と共に彼が所有するエルツ城を含むライン川地域と近くのトリーアにあった財産を没収しました。

We went down to the valley and enjoyed the appearance of the castle because the castle was closed. When I inquired, the interior of it seemed to be very simple. There is no problem just to enjoy the appearance. Count Hugo Philipp zu Eltz was thought to have fled during the French rule on the Rhine from 1794 to 1815. The French confiscated his possessions on the Rhine and nearby Trier which included Eltz castle, as well as the associated goods which were held at the French headquarters in Koblenz.

 エルツ城 Eltz Castle Junko  2019年2月21日(木) 21:52 修正
お城の北側は地面が凍っています。霜が降りて葉っぱも真っ白。それがとてもきれいでした。Hugo Philipp伯爵は隠れていたマインツを追い出された1797年に土地、持ち物や富の返還を要求しました。1815年、彼は城の単独の所有者となりました。

The ground is frozen at the north side of the castle. It froze and leaves were pure white. It was very beautiful. In 1797, when Count Hugo Philipp later turned out to had remained hidden in Mainz, he came back to the reclaim of his lands, goods and wealth. In 1815 he became the sole owner of the castle.

 エルツ城 Eltz Castle Junko  2019年2月21日(木) 22:02 修正

We looked back from the slope which returns to the parking lot. It was a besutiful castle. In the period between 1845 to 1888, 184,000 marks (about 15 million euros in 2015) was invested into the extensive construction work, very carefully preserving the existing architecture. Extensive security and restoration work took place between the years 2009 to 2012.

 エルツ城 Eltz Castle Junko  2019年2月21日(木) 22:03 修正

The next castle is located near Eltz Castle.

 Pyrmont城 Pyrmont Castle Junko  2019年2月21日(木) 22:04 修正

It was built at the end of the 12th century. The castle is first recorded in 1225. In 1963, two architects bought the remnants of Pyrmont Castle. After its purchase, they began with safety work and a gradual reconstruction. In 1990, the castle grounds were opened to visitors. We somehow noticed that, although the castle was closed at last during the winter months.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月21日(木) 22:15 修正

We were heading for "The Reichsburg Cochem" which was located along the Moselle. Vineyards for "Moselle wine" extended around the castle.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:03 修正

We arrived at a parking lot. The castle on the mountain was seen. The castle was known as a beautiful castle. It was wonderful definetely. We had to climb to there.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:05 修正

We walked along "The Moselle". Vineyards spread out on the opposite shore.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:10 修正

There were vineyards around the castle. We were doing best to climb.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:21 修正

We arrived at the gate.
We have to participate a guided tour to enter the castle, so we booked it after 15 minutes. Though a guide spoke only German, we could borrow a board on which English guidance was written.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:23 修正

A tour began. The castle had its first documentary mention in 1130.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:29 修正

Today the castle is a symbol of the town. In 1688, the castle was overrun by French King Louis XIV's troops in the course of the Nine Years' War and the following year, they destroyed it. The castle complex long lay in ruins before in 1868 it was bought by the Berlin businessman for 300 Goldmark and then reconstructed in the Gothic Revival style. Since 1978 it has been owned by the town of Cochem.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:33 修正

A dining room.
The castle does not have razzmatazz, although I think it's nice. We visited it in a hurry because "Eltz castle" was closed, but I like it.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:34 修正

I hear chandeliers of half-human is an amulet.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:35 修正

"Hunting room"
Many trophies were displayed.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:36 修正

"Knight room"
It's the biggest room in the castle. A Japanese pot was displayed.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:37 修正

Stained glasses of this room was very beautiful.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:39 修正

The view of "The Moselle" from the terrace of the castle.
The castle, built just above the river, served as a customs castle in the Middle Ages.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:40 修正

Gold coins were hidden in the secret room.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:41 修正

We got out into the courtyard here.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:43 修正

It's a well and a peaked roof whuch is seen in the depth is a chapel of the castle.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:57 修正

A guided tour broke uo at the courtyard. We got out from the castle. We walked around the castle to the opposite side of the way we climbed and heade for the town.

 コッヘム・ライヒスブルク城 Reichsburg Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 21:58 修正

We came down to the town and had a late lunch.
We visited a German cuisine restaurant, "Gaststatte Noss", along "The Moselle".

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:00 修正

I wanted to eat a stereotyped German cuisine.
A neighborhood old man who came for lunch alone was sitting next to us and said "Why don't you order this ?", so I did it.
Knuckle of pork. Huge! Tender! And tasty! Thank you for your advice.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:00 修正

Speaking of German cuisine, it's a sausage. Therefore my partner ordered an assorted sausages. Very big.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:03 修正

We walked around the town after lunch. Half-timbered houses were lovely.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:04 修正

We reached the edge of the toen immediately because it was a small town. It was the edge of the town.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:05 修正

The view of the castle and the center of the town from the bridge across "The Moselle". It was a terrible backlight. However it was beautiful.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:06 修正

We walked the small street from the bridge and headed for the center of the town.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:07 修正

"Market Place"
It is lovely, too. When I see such a square, I think I come to a German town. The fountain in the square was built in 1767. Most half-timbered houses were built in the 17th century.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:08 修正

It is the main street of the town. It runs under the tower of "Saint Martin's Catholic Parish Church". The church was built between 1950 and 1951. The tower was built between 1955 and 1963.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:09 修正

The pink "Town Hall" in "The Market Place". It was re-built in 1739 after destruction in 1689.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:11 修正

I bought cakes at a pretty sweet shop in the town. They were wrpped, not put in the box, although they were cakes. I hoped they kept their shapes until we came home.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:12 修正

Though today's biggest purpose was "Eltz castle", it was the biggest fruit that we were able to drop in at this town.
We were going back to Brussels.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:13 修正

When we run in Europe, we often see such a scenery.

 コッヘム Cochem Junko  2019年2月26日(火) 22:14 修正

Today was a very fun day because we were able to see wonderful castles.
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