
修正キー (英数8文字以内)
 2018.09.02 ベルサイユ Versailles Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 3:36

We moved to "Versailles" from the most beautiful villages in France. It's the third visit to see "Palace of Versailles". Though we arrvived by car, this is "Versailles-Chateau-Rive-Gauche station" which opened in 1864.

 ベルサイユ市庁舎 City Hall of Versailles Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 3:49 修正

We started a town walk from the city hall in front of the hotel. The current building was inaugurated on November 18, 1900.

 サン・ルイ大聖堂 Versailles Cathedral Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 3:52 修正

It was the center of the town before the palace was completed. It was built as the parish church of Saint Louis before becoming the cathedral of the new diocese. The first stone was laid, by Louis XV, on 12 June 1743 and the church was consecrated on 24 August 1754.

 サン・ルイ大聖堂 Versailles Cathedral Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:01 修正

When we enter there, it was in the middle of the mass. We only took a photo and left there immediately.

 ノートルダム寺院 Church of Notre-Dame Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:03 修正

The church was built at the command of Louis XIV and consecrated on 30 October 1686, but I hear he had not been here because there was a chapel in the palace.

 ノートルダム・マルシェ広場 Place du Marche Notre-Dame Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:06 修正

The marche has already been closed. They were cleaning up.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:19 修正

We went to light preview of "The Palace of Versailles" for the next day's visit. "The equestrian statue of Louis XIV". The statue commissioned in 1816 by Louis XVIII for the Place de la Concorde in Paris and was completed in 1838. The front becomes backlight in the evening, so it's a photo from the backside.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:20 修正

The palace was the principal royal residence of France from 1682 under Louis XIV until the start of the French Revolution in 1789 under Louis XVI. It was stripped of all its furnishings after the French Revolution, but many pieces have been returned and many of the palace rooms have been restored. Admission to the garden is also charged in the summertime. We went to reconnaissance to the place where we could go for free.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:22 修正

Today there are always "soldiers" at the tourist spot in France. I got nervous just after terrorism, but recently I got used to them and thank them for protecting us.

 L'Angelique Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:24 修正

Dinner at Versailles.

 L'Angelique Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:25 修正

I think tomatoes were a huge harvest in whole Europe in this summer. Many restaurants offer cold tomato soup. It's tasty.

 L'Angelique Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:27 修正

Pate of Foie-gras.

 L'Angelique Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:27 修正

White fish.

 L'Angelique Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:28 修正


 L'Angelique Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:28 修正

The dessert was a strawberry cake.

 L'Angelique Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 4:28 修正

Thank you for a nice dinner.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 5:26 修正
1610年、ルイ13世はベルサイユの土地を購入し1623年から24年にかけてこじんまりした2階建ての狩猟小屋を現在の大理石の中庭あたりの場所に建てました。その後、彼はベルサイユの狩猟小屋を城にすることに決めました。王は周囲の領地を買い取り、1631年から34年にかけて建築家Philibert Le Royに小屋を煉瓦と石の城に造り変えさせました。庭と公園も拡張され、ほぼ現在の大きさに到達しました。

It became very nice weather today. "The equestrian statue of Louis XIV" becomes backlight in the evening. When you take a picture of it, I recommend the morning.
In 1610, Louis XIII bought some land of Vesailles, and in 1623-24 built a modest two-story hunting lodge the site of the current marble courtyard. Then he decided to make his hunting lodge at Versailles into a chateau. The King purchased the surrounding territory, and in 1631-1634 had the architect Philibert Le Roy replace the hunting lodge with a chateau of brick and stone. The gardens and park were also enlarged and reached essentially the size they have today.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月24日(水) 5:31 修正

People who had a ticket or a museum pass could enter without queuing before, but today there is a queue surrounding the square. Therefore we can buy a time-designed admission ticket now. There are too many toutists. We could enter at the same time as opening because we had bought it.
In 1661, Louis XIV decided to rebuild, embellish and enlarge the chateau and to transform it into a setting for both rest and for elaborate entertainments on a grand scale. The king also ordered to create the most magnificent gardens in Europe, embellished with fountains, statues, basins, canals, geometric flower beds and groves of trees. In 1670, a new pavilion was added at the northwest of the chateau, called the Trianon, for the King's relaxation in the hot summers.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月25日(木) 5:42 修正

"Royal Chapel"
The Chapel was the last building at Versailles to be completed during the reign of Louis XIV. Construction began in 1699 and was completed in 1710. Daily services, wedding ceremonies, and baptisms were held in this chapel until 1789. Like other royal chapels, it had two levels: the King and family worshipped in the Royal Gallery on the upper level, while ordinary courtiers stood on the ground level.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月25日(木) 5:44 修正

We could take a picture of it with nobody because we could enter there very early.
Louis XIV increasingly spent his days in Versailles, and the government, court, and courtiers, numbering six to seven thousand persons, crowded into the buildings. The King ordered a further enlargement, which he entrusted to the young architect Jules Hardouin-Mansart. In 1687 Hardouin-Mansart began the Grand Trianon replacing 1668 Trianon. In 1682 Louis XIV was able to proclaim Versailles his principal residence and the seat of the government and was able to give rooms in the palace to almost all of his courtiers.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月25日(木) 5:49 修正

"The Salon of Mercury"
It was the original State Bedchamber when Louis XIV officially moved the court and government to the Palace in 1682. The bed is a replica of the original.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月25日(木) 5:51 修正

"The Salon of Apollo"
It was the royal throne room under Louis XIV, and was the setting for formal audiences.
As soon as the royal family including Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette departed in 1789 during the Revolution, the Palace was closed. When Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor of the French in 1804, he considered making Versailles his residence, but abandoned the idea because of the cost of the renovation. Prior to his marriage with Marie-Louise in 1810, he had the Grand Trianon restored and refurnished as a springtime residence for himself and his family, in the style of furnishing that it is seen today.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月25日(木) 5:54 修正

"Hall of Mirrors"
It is the central gallery of the palace. As the principal and most remarkable feature of King Louis XIV of France's third building campaign of the palace (1678-1684), the construction of the room began in 1678 and finished in 1689. Within the hall, the German Empire was declared in 1871 (Deutsche Reichsgründung) and the Treaty of Versailles signed by the victorious powers of World War I in 1919.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月25日(木) 5:56 修正

"King's Bedchamber"
It had originally been the State Drawing Room and had been used by Queen Marie-Theresa, but after her death in 1701 Louis XIV took it over to use as his own bedroom and died there on September 1, 1715. Both Louis XV and Louis XVI continued to use the bedroom for their official awakening and going to bed. On October 6, 1789, from the balcony of this room Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, joined by the Marquis de Lafayette, looked down on the hostile crowd in the courtyard, shortly before the King was forced to return to Paris.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月25日(木) 6:04 修正

"Queen's Stair Hall"
In 1815, with the final downfall of Napoleon, Louis XVIII, the younger brother of Louis XVI, became King, and considered returning the royal residence to Versailles, where he had been born. He ordered the restoration of the royal apartments, but the task and cost was too great. Neither he nor his successor Charles X lived at Versailles.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月25日(木) 6:08 修正

The six daughters of Louis XV lived the palace from 1752. Only two of them, Adelaide and Victoire, remained until the Revolution, since neither princess married and both lived to an old age. It's "Bedchamber of Madame Voctoire". Very lovely.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 3:31 修正

It's "Bedchamber of Madame Adelaide". This small chamber was known as "Mme de Pompadour's red lacquer chamber". When Louis XV's mistress became his "friend" in 1750, she lived in this apartmenat including this room, which later became Madame Adelaide's Apartments, and died here in 1764.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 3:32 修正

The carpet was also gourgeous.
The French Revolution of 1830 brought a new monarch, Louis-Philippe to power, and a new ambition for Versailles. He did not reside at Versailles, but began the creation of the Museum of the History of France, dedicated to "all the glories of France". The museum was begun in 1833 and inaugurated on 30 June 1837.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 3:39 修正

"Galerie des Batailles (Hall of Battles)"
The museum's most famous room is here. The main contents of the rooms were envisaged as the vast paintings showing major military events in French history, some already in existence but mostly specially commissioned for the Galerie. While a number of them were of questionable quality, a few masterpieces, such as the Battle of Taillebourg, were displayed here.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 3:40 修正

A statue od "Louis XIV".
After the Franco-Prussian War, in 1871, the government of the new Third French Republic, which had departed Paris during the War for Tours and then Bordeaux, moved into the Palace. The National Assembly held its meetings in the Opera House.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 3:44 修正

We took a rest at "Angelina".
The end of the 19th and the early 20th century saw the beginning of restoration efforts at the palace. The work began in 1892. However the conservation and restoration was interrupted by two world wars, but has continued until the present day.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 4:05 修正

"The Grand Staircase"
In 2003, a new restoration initiative - the "Grand Versailles" project - was started, which began with the replanting of the gardens, which had lost over 10,000 trees during Hurricane Lothar on 26 December 1999. One part of the initiative, the restoration of the Hall of Mirrors, was completed in 2006.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 4:07 修正

We were heading for the huge garden. Situated to the west of the palace, the gardens cover some 800 hectares of land.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 4:17 修正

The Musical Fontains Shows are held in spring and summer. We were walking around to see fountains mainly.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 4:51 修正

"Fountains of the fight of the animals"
It was made in 1687. It features a tiger bringing down a bear and a bloodhound bringing down a stag. The water jet of the victorious animals falls into the upper basin, while the jet of the defeated animals falls into the lower basin.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 4:56 修正

"Latona's Fountain"
The original fountain was created in 1668. That layout was modified between 1687 and 1689. It illustrates the story of Latona, the mother of Apollo and Diana, protecting her children from the insults of the peasants of Lycia and pleading with Jupiter to avenge them. The god obliges by turning the inhabitants of Lycia into frogs and lizards.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:26 修正

"Latona's Fountain"
I wanted to take a picture of the fountain with the palace absolutely. However it was the backlight.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:34 修正

"Ballroom Grove"
The works began in 1680 and were completed in 1685. The cascade has eight levels, is punctuated by marble ramps. Water flows at a fixed time.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:36 修正

"Mirror Pool"
It was dug in 1672. Water of this fountain rises up with music at the fixed time.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:38 修正

"Neptune Fountain"
It was made between 1679 and 1682. The large groups planned were never built during the reign of Louis XIV. During the following reign, the shape of the pool was modified slightly in 1736 and completed in 1740. The new fountain was officially opened by Louis XV. Unfortunately I could not see the play fo the fountain because the timing didn't match.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:43 修正

We interrupted the fountains tour here and went to the Petit Trianon.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:44 修正

We arrived at the Petit Trianon. It was designed by the order of Louis XV for his long-term mistress, Madame de Pompadour, and was constructed between 1762 and 1768. She died four years before its completion, and the Petit Trianon was subsequently occupied by her successor, Madame du Barry. Upon his accession to the throne in 1774, the 20-year-old Louis XVI gave the chateau and its surrounding park to his 19-year-old Queen Marie Antoinette for her exclusive use and enjoyment.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:47 修正

A kitchen of "Petit Trianon".
Marie Antoinette would come to the Petit Trianon not only to escape the formality of court life, but also to shake off the burden of her royal responsibilities. At Versailles, she was under considerable pressure and judgement from both her family and the court, and the Petit Trianon was her place of ease and leisure where she could rest from those trials.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:49 修正

"Petit Trianon"
Though it is called "Petit", it is gorgeous. The interior is one of the masterpieces in Rococo style.
Since all was "de par la Reine" (by order of the Queen), none were permitted to enter the property without the Queen's express permission (not even, it was said, Louis XVI). Such exclusivity alienated the court nobility, which she did very willingly, since only the queen's "inner circle" (including the Princess de Lamballe, and Gabrielle de Polastron, duchesse de Polignac) were invited.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:50 修正

"Petit Trianon"
The music room. It's gorgeous and elegant in any events.
During the French Revolution the Petit Trianon became a hostel. Napoleon restored the palace and gardens to their former glory, first for his sister Pauline and later for the Empress Marie-Louise, his second wife. In 1867 the Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III, converted the Petit Trianon into a museum dedicated to the memory of Marie-Antoinette.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:52 修正

"The Love Monument"
It was completed in July 1778. Marie Antoinette and Hans Axel von Fersen talked about love here in "The Rose of Versailles (Japanese cartoon)".

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:53 修正

We arrived at "The Hameau de la Reine (The Queen's Hamlet)".
It was built for Marie Antoinette in 1783 near the Petit Trianon. It served as a private meeting place for the Queen and her closest friends, a place of leisure.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月26日(金) 5:55 修正

Boudoir in "The Queen's Hamlet"
It is the most favorite place parsonally. I think what a gorgeous because she bothered to create such a hamlet, though she could live in the gorgeous palace. The Boudoir is the smallest structure, and it was nicknamed "the little house of the Queen." Marie Antoinette would retire here by herself, or else with one or two of her friends.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 3:49 修正

A field in "The Queen's Hamlet".
The Queen’s Hamlet does not belong to any particular style, combining as it does various influences from rural architecture, but it does succeed in creating a sense of aesthetic coherency.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 3:55 修正

"The Queen's Hamlet"
"The Queen's house"
An elegant spiral staircase, which never existed at a real hamlet, shows that the queen lived here.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 3:58 修正

"The Queen's Hamlet"
We were walking around the pond in front of "The Queen's house".
During the Revolution, the Hamlet had quite a rough time. Built without much thought for longevity, as was the norm for such follies, the cottages aged badly and were damaged by bad weather.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:01 修正

"The Queen's Hamlet"
I prefer here to the gorgeous palace. I believe here is the must-visit place when you come to Versailles.
Napoleon ordered a full restoration between 1810 and 1812, but in doing so had the most dilapidated structures torn down, including the barn and the working dairy. A second campaign of restoration work saved the hamlet from certain ruin in the 1930s.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:04 修正

"The Queen's Hamlet"
Part of the hamlet was restored once again in the late 20th century, with some buildings (including the windmill) returned to their original configuration. The farm, which almost totally disappeared over the course of the 19th century, was reconstructed in 2006. It's "Guard house". Documents are displayed and it houses a rest room at the backside.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:07 修正

"The Queen's Hamlet"
We walked around the pond. "Marlborough Tower" was seen on the left side. It was created after a popular lullaby from the era. The basement is used for storage, but the top part of the tower has a fairytale-esque design. We left "The Queen's Hamlet" and were heading for The Grand Trianon.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:09 修正

"Queen's Theatre"
It was completed in spring 1780, and the official inauguration was on 1 June. Falling out of favour with the queen after 1785, the theatre survived the revolutionary period relatively unscathed. It was used occasionally in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and underwent restoration between 1925 and 1936 and again in 2001.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:14 修正

"Petit Trianon"
It's the east facade, which once overlooked Louis XV's botanical gardens.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:19 修正

We arrived at "Grand Trianon". It was built in 1687 at the request of King Louis XIV, as a retreat for himself and his maitresse en titre of the time, the Marquise de Montespan (1640-1707), and as a place where he and invited guests could take light meals (collations) away from the strict etiquette of the Court.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:24 修正

"Grand Trianon"
It's a bedroom of Louise of Orleans (3 April 1812 - 11 October 1850) was a French princess who became the first Queen of the Belgians as the second wife of King Leopold I. She was the eldest daughter of the future Louis-Philippe I, King of the French。

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:28 修正

We left "Grand Trianon" and returmed to the garden of the palace again.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:29 修正

We walked under the shade of trees. Verdure of the park was very beautiful.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:30 修正

We returned to the garden of the palace and began the tour of the fountains show of the latter half.
It is "The Water Theatre Grove" and was laid out between 1671 and 1674. To the west of the grove, a small pool was installed in 1709 representing an island with gilded metal children at play.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:33 修正

"Neptune Fountain"
It was installed between 1679 and 1682. The play of the fountain changes to the music.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:34 修正

"Enceladus Fountain"
It was between 1675 and 1677. The fountain plays at the fixed time. Though the music plays, there is no change in the fountain.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:35 修正

"The Spring Fountain or Flora Fountain"
It was made in 1674. The fountain plays at the fixed time as well. No music.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:35 修正

"Dragon Fountain"
The reptile is surrounded by dolphins and Loves armed with bows and arrows and riding swans. Very beautiful fountain.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:37 修正

Fountains, which didn't play in the morning, started thier playing.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:38 修正

We returned to the palace. 7 hours passed since our admission. There were still some areas we did not see, but it was about time to go back to Brussels.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:39 修正

I looked back toward "Grand Canal", built between 1667 and 1679.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:40 修正

We headed for the exit.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:41 修正

We were satisfied with the palace today.

 ベルサイユ宮殿 Palace of Versailles Junko  2018年10月28日(日) 4:43 修正


The third visit was a very moving day, too.
I'm not sure if I will visit the fourth time.

I recommend a ticket designated at time to people who has the intention to visit here. And why don't you visit the Petit Trianon and the Queen's Hamlet at that time ? We enjoyed.
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