
修正キー (英数8文字以内)
 2018.09.15-16 ロンドン博物館めぐり Tour of the Museum in London Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 4:41

We're afraid it's the last visit of London and we went around 2 museums in London on the weekend. Firstly "The Nationa Garalley". Founded in 1824, it houses a collection of over 2,300 paintings dating from the mid-13th century to 1900. Entry to the main collection is free of charge. It is among the most visited art museums in the world, after the Louvre, the British Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The present building, the third to house the National Gallery, was designed from 1832 to 1838. Only the facade onto Trafalgar Square remains essentially unchanged from this time, as the building has been expanded piecemeal throughout its history.

 ナショナルギャラリー National Garalley Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 4:52 修正

"The Entombment" Michelangelo
It is an unfinished painting of the placing of the body of Jesus in the garden tomb and dated to around 1500 or 1501. The bearded older man behind Jesus is probably Joseph of Arimathea and the long-haired figure on the left is probably Saint John, wearing a long orange-red gown, with one of the Marys (possibly Mary Magdalene) kneeling at his feet. The identity of the two figures on the right is uncertain. The large unfinished area at the bottom right was intended to be used for the kneeling form of the Virgin Mary.

 ナショナルギャラリー National Garalley Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 5:01 修正
1522年-23年。これはフェラーラ公アルフォンソ1世・デステのために彼のフェッラーラの宮殿にある小部屋、Camerino d'Alabastroの壁を飾る目的で古典・神話を題材に描かれた一連の絵画群のひとつです。絵画群の他の主要な作品は現在ワシントンD.C.の国立美術館やマドリッドのプラド美術館にあります。

"Bacchus and Ariadne" Tiziano Vecellio
1522-1523. It is one of a cycle of paintings on mythological subjects produced for Alfonso I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, for the Camerino d'Alabastro - a private room in his palazzo in Ferrara decorated with paintings based on classical texts. The other major paintings in the cycle are now in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C and now in the Museo del Prado, Madrid.

 ナショナルギャラリー National Garalley Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 5:05 修正

"The Ambassadors" Hans Holbein the Younger
1533. It was created in the Tudor period, in the same year Elizabeth I was born. As well as being a double portrait, the painting contains a still life of several meticulously rendered objects, the meaning of which is the cause of much debate. It also incorporates a much-cited example of anamorphosis in painting.

 ナショナルギャラリー National Garalley Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 5:25 修正

"Lady Standing at a Virginal" Johannes Vermeer
About 1670-1672. The oil painting depicts a richly dressed woman playing a virginal in a home with a tiled floor, paintings on the wall and some of the locally manufactured Delftware blue and white tiles of a type that appear in other Vermeer works.

 ナショナルギャラリー National Garalley Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 5:28 修正

"Virgin of the Rocks" Leonardo da Vinci
1495–1508. It is the name of two paintings of the same subject, and of a composition which is identical except for several significant details. The version generally considered the prime version, that is the earlier of the two, hangs in The Louvre in Paris and the other in here. Both were originally painted on wooden panel, but the Louvre version has been transferred to canvas.

 ナショナルギャラリー National Garalley Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 5:56 修正

If I introduce paintings in this condition, however much time I have, it's not enough. Therefore I will skip the explanation after this.

 ナショナルギャラリー National Garalley Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 5:58 修正

We had a lunch at a cafe and continued painting appreciation in the afternoon.

 ナショナルギャラリー National Garalley Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:01 修正

"Sunflower" Vincent van Gogh
1880s. There are 7 works currently identified as Gogh's sunflowers and it's the fourth version. Incidentally the second version was in Japan and destroyed by fire in World War II on 6 August 1945.
We could have the oppotunity to see a lot of masterpieces during our stay in Belgium. Actually I think Photos can not overcome the power of real paintings even if its technology improves more and more. Though I don't have a knowledge about paintings absolutely, it is fun to see paintings.

 ナショナルギャラリー National Garalley Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:04 修正

"The Water-Lily Pond" Claude Monet
1899. We have visited some small towns artists lived. One of them is Giverny. In 1883 Monet moved to Giverny where he lived until his death. There, on the grounds of his property, he created a water garden for the purpose of cultivating aquatic plants, over which he built an arched bridge in the Japanese style.

 ナショナルギャラリー National Garalley Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:05 修正

"Trafalgar Square" is located in front of "National Garalley".

 ロンドン・チューブ The Tube in London Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:11 修正

We were heading for "Harrods" by the Tube.
Underground passage to the station. Cool!

 ハロッズ Harrods Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:12 修正

"Bacarrat" department. Glittering.

 ハロッズ Harrods Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:14 修正

Painting department. It is as wide as an art museum.

 ハロッズ Harrods Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:16 修正

Lithographs of Marc Chagall.

 ハロッズ Harrods Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:17 修正

"Whaaat ?", he was suprised at the price.

 ハロッズ Harrods Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:18 修正

A painting by Bob Dylan. Quite expensive. I guess it's Brooklyn Bridge in New York.

 ハロッズ Harrods Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:22 修正

Mr."Oliver", 2018 year bear.

 ハロッズ Harrods Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:22 修正

I bought a small decoration of Mr. Oliver.

 ハロッズ Harrods Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:23 修正

They took a commemorative photo.

 ☆☆☆アラン・デュカス Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:35 修正

We went to "Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester", Michelin 3-stars restaurant, for dinner. According to the Michelin Guide, three stars mean "exceptional cuisine that is worth a special journey". Our expectation increases more and more.

 ☆☆☆アラン・デュカス Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:36 修正

A bowl with full of foods like choux pastry shell was served. It had no taste.

 ☆☆☆アラン・デュカス Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:38 修正

Riverprawn with caviar.
I wanted to say "So what ?" because there was no taste and amusement in the dish.

 ☆☆☆アラン・デュカス Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:39 修正

This restaurant is famous for foie-gras, so it was beautiful. However other restaurants without 3 stars can offer such a dish.

 ☆☆☆アラン・デュカス Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:41 修正

Lobster with sauce of potato and mushroom.
I can imagine a taste by its appearance. There is no suprise and excitement absolutely.

 ☆☆☆アラン・デュカス Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:43 修正

Fish with thin sliced squid.
Appearance is not beautiful at all.

 ☆☆☆アラン・デュカス Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:45 修正

The main dish was beef.

 ☆☆☆アラン・デュカス Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:46 修正

Assorted cheese.
I wanted to say, "Sooo what ?". I have senn such an incomprehensible cheese dish for the first time. Even a normal brasserie can offer better food presentation.

 ☆☆☆アラン・デュカス Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:47 修正

The dessert of cherry.
I don't talk about it.

 ☆☆☆アラン・デュカス Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester Junko  2018年10月31日(水) 6:50 修正

Petit-four. It had terrible taste in dish.
Is it 3-stars restaurant ? Was our expectation too high because "Alain Ducasse" was very popular in Japan ? The cost of meal was 80,000 yens for 2 people. We studied many things.

 2018.09.16 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:29 修正
ホテルから歩いて「大英博物館」へ。ホテルから歩くと裏の入り口から入ることになります。全然並ばなくてすぐに入れます。入ったところにはどどーんと「Hoa Hakananai'a」と呼ばれる「モアイ像」。この像は1868年11月にイースター島から運ばれ1869年8月にイギリスに到着しました。比較的小さいですが、「傑作」、「疑いなくイースター島彫刻の最良の例」といわれています。

We went to "British Museum" on foot from the hotel. When we walked from the hotel, we enter from the back door. We can enter there sonn without waiting. When we do, we see "the moai" called "Hoa Hakananai'a". It was taken from Easter Island in November 1868 and arrived in England in August 1869. Though relatively small, it has been described as a "masterpiece" and "without a doubt, the finest example of Easter Island sculpture".

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:33 修正

I'm not suer how many times we visited "British Museum" (Probably 4th). The British Museum was established in 1753 and first opened to the public on 15 January 1759. Its expansion over the following two and a half centuries was largely a result of expanding British colonisation and has resulted in the creation of several branch institutions, the first being the British Museum (Natural History) - now the Natural History Museum - in 1881. The centre of the museum was redeveloped in 2001 to become the Great Court, surrounding the original Reading Room.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:49 修正

This room was "The King's Library" assembled by George III. The collection moved to the newly established British Library. The collection's old home at the British Museum, restored in 2000-3, is now known as the Enlightenment Gallery and houses a permanent exhibition about the Age of Enlightenment, opened to celebrate the museum's 250th anniversary in 2003. We visited there by a guided tour.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:50 修正

I have a same one as this.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:51 修正

"Double-headed serpent"
It is an Aztec sculpture. Composed of mostly turquoise pieces applied to a wood base. It came from Aztec Mexico and might have been worn or displayed in religious ceremonies. It is possible that this sculpture may be one of the gifts given by the Aztec emperor, Moctezuma II, to Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes when he invaded in 1519. The mosaic is made of pieces of turquoise, spiny oyster shell and conch shell.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:51 修正
エジプトのファラオ(紀元前589年-570年)、エジプト第26王朝4代目の王、アプリエスの妹、 Ankhnesneferibreの石棺。

The sarcophagus of Ankhnesneferibre, a sister of Apries who was a pharaoh of Egypt (589 BC - 570 BC), the fourth king of the Twenty-sixth dynasty of Egypt.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:52 修正

The hieroglyph written on the sarcophagus. I believe her life is written in it. She held the positions of Divine Adoratrice of Amun and later God's Wife of Amun between 595 and 525 BC.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:53 修正

I think the collection of the Ancient Egypt is great truely. It's "Bust of Ramses II". Ramses II (born in 1303 BC; died July or August 1213; reigned 1279-1213) was the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt. He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:54 修正

I feel sorry for these mummies because they left thier homeland and must sleep in such a distant place. One of them (lower stage of the photo) is called "Mummy of Katebet (1330 B.C.-1280 B.C.)" and is that of old woman who was a "Chantress of Amun". As a holder of this title, she would have sung and purformed music during the rituals that were performed in the temples.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:54 修正

"Rosetta Stone"
It is a granodiorite stele, found in 1799, inscribed with three versions of a decree issued at Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic dynasty on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The top and middle texts are in Ancient Egyptian using hieroglyphic script and Demotic script, respectively, while the bottom is in Ancient Greek. As the decree has only minor differences between the three versions, the Rosetta Stone proved to be the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs, thereby opening a window into ancient Egyptian history.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:56 修正

"Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal"
It is shown on a famous group of Assyrian palace reliefs from the North Palace of Nineveh. They are widely regarded as "the supreme masterpieces of Assyrian art". They show a formalized ritual "hunt" by King Ashurbanipal (reigned 668 - 631/627 BC) in an arena, where captured Asian lions were released from cages for the king to slaughter with arrows, spears, or his sword. They were made about 645-635 BC, and originally formed different sequences placed around the palace. They would probably originally have been painted, and formed part of a brightly coloured overall decor.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 6:59 修正

It is an Assyrian protective deity, often depicted as having a human head, the body of a bull or a lion, and bird wings. A prominent pairs of lamassu was typically placed at entrances in palaces, facing the street and also internal courtyards. It was found at Dur-Sharrukin which was the Assyrian capital in the time of Sargon II of Assyria. The great city was entirely built in the decade preceding 706 BC, when the court moved to there.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:00 修正

"Nereid Monument"
It is a sculptured tomb from Xanthos in Lycia (then part of the Achaemenid Persian Empire). It took the form of a Greek temple on top of a base decorated with sculpted friezes, and is thought to have been built in the early fourth century BC as a tomb for Arbinas, the Xanthian dynast who ruled western Lycia.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:02 修正

"Parthenon Marbles"
They are a collection of Classical Greek marble sculptures. The center of the photo is sculptures from the East and West Pediment of the Parthenon. And sculptures on the both side are "Metopes of the Parthenon". They are the surviving set of what were originally 92 square carved plaques of Pentelic marble originally located above the columns of the Parthenon peristyle on the Acropolis of Athens. They were carved between 447 or 446 BC. or at the latest 438 BC, with 442 BC as the probable date of completion. Most of them are very damaged. Though the Parthenon peristyle is always under restoring, essencial real ones are here. I understand why many countries request the British museum to return to their countries.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:03 修正

We went to the restaurant in the museum for lunch at reserved time. I ate a fish and chips.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:03 修正

"The Royal Game of Ur"
This wooden board game was made in 2,600 BC - 2,400 BC. Very stylish.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:04 修正

"Magic Money Machine"
Wow, that's nice. It's a conjuring prop that seemingly transforms a blank roll of paper into banknotes.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:07 修正

We spent all day here from the opening.

 大英博物館 British Museum Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:08 修正

We were satisfied with the museum.

 ラッセルスクエア Russell Square Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:12 修正

We went through "Russell Square" from "The British Museum" and to the hotel. The square is named after the surname of the Earls and Dukes of Bedford. It was laid out in 1804.

 ラッセルスクエア Russell Square Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:13 修正

We can often see phone boxes in the town of London even today. It's very difficalt to find it in Japan, isn't it ?

 ラッセルスクエア Russell Square Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:14 修正

When we got out from the Russell square, we arrive at the hotel immediately.

 セントパンクラス駅 St Pancras Station Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:15 修正

We get on an Eurostar here and go back to Brussels.

 セントパンクラス駅 St Pancras Station Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:16 修正

My partner departed for Brussels one step ahead because he had to work tomorrow.

 セントパンクラス駅 St Pancras Station Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:17 修正

I left the station and went to the next "King's Cross station".

 キングスクロス駅 King's Cross Station Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:18 修正

I will get on a train here and go to "Oxford". I come here to buy a ticket. King's Cross station was built in 1851-1852.

 キングスクロス駅 King's Cross Station Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:19 修正

I bought a ticket to "Oxford".

 キングスクロス駅 King's Cross Station Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:22 修正
キングスクロスはJ.K.ローリングの「ハリーポッター」の中でホグワーズ特急の始発として描かれています。列車は9番と10番プラットフォームの間のレンガの壁を抜けてたどり着く秘密の「9 3/4プラットフォーム」を使います。そこに来ました。写真撮るのに大行列。

King's Cross features in the Harry Potter books, by J. K. Rowling, as the starting point of the Hogwarts Express. The train uses a secret "Platform 9 3⁄4" accessed through the brick wall barrier between platforms 9 and 10. I came there. There was a long queue to take a photo.

 キングスクロス駅 King's Cross Station Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:24 修正

I only took a photo from the side because I do not have contemplation about "Harry Potter" absolutely.

 金田家 Kanedaya Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:26 修正

I hesitated over which to choose for dinner while I was walking.

 金田家 Kanedaya Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:27 修正

I went to a ramen shop which often has people lined up.
I arrived at "Kanedaya" located in front of "Ippu-do".

 金田家 Kanedaya Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:28 修正

I waited here because a line was not so long. I decided a order while I was waiting.

 金田家 Kanedaya Junko  2018年11月6日(火) 7:29 修正

I ate a ton-kotsu ramen (pork bone soup).
I don't understand why people make a line here. Quite normal ramen.
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