天気わるーい。こんな日はワインを買いに出かけます。 旅行者用免税ではなく、住んでいた人には「引っ越し免税」と言う制度があります。免税率が高いのでワインを買い込みます。
The weather was very bad. On the day like this, we were going to buy wines. People who live abroad, like us, can utilize tax-free system for moving, not for tourists. We buy many wines because it has high exemption from taxation rate. |
ワインを買いに Wine Shopping Junko 2019年5月1日(水) 15:27 |
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Japanese whiskey is all the rage in Europe. |
ワインを買いに Wine Shopping Junko 2019年5月1日(水) 15:28 |
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There were a lot of Japanese whiskeys at the underground cellar, too. |
ワインを買いに Wine Shopping Junko 2019年5月1日(水) 15:29 |
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We bought Belgian whiskey with wines because it was very rare. |
おまけ・クリパ Bonus/Christmas Party Junko 2019年5月1日(水) 15:33 |
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恒例のクリパ。 ベルギー最後のクリパでした。
The Christmas party is an annual event of Masaki's company. It was the last Christmas party in Belgium. |