ホテルからバスに揺られて「ルーヴェン」へ。 小さな大学の街。
We went to "Leuven" from the hotel by bus. It is a small town with the university. |
ルーヴェン Leuven Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 19:49 |
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久しぶりにアジアな味が食べたくてインド料理屋さんへ。 おいしいカレーを食べました。
We wanted to eat Asian cuisine and visited Indian-food restaurant. We had a nice curry. |
ルーヴェン Leuven Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 19:53 |
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ルーヴァンは「石のレース」と呼ばれる「市庁舎」が有名です。 中に入ったことがなかったので「ガイドツアー」に参加することに。
Leuven is famous for "Town hall" called "Lace of the stones". We have not entered there and decided to participate in a "Guided tour". |
ルーヴァン Leuven Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 19:55 |
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We went to "The tourist information centre" to apply for the tour of "Town Hall". |
ルーヴェン Leuven Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 19:59 |
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"The tourist information centre" is loceted at the right side. |
聖ペテロ教会 St. Peter's Church Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:07 |
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We came to "St. Peter's Church" located in front of "Town hall" after the booking of the tour of "Town hall". |
聖ペテロ教会 St. Peter's Church Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:16 |
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The first church on the site, made of wood and presumably founded in 986, burned down in 1176. It was replaced by a Romanesque church, made of stone. Construction of the present Gothic edifice, significantly larger than its predecessor, was begun approximately in 1425, and was continued for more than half a century |
聖ペテロ教会 St. Peter's Church Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:20 |
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ディーリック・バウツが1464年から68年に描いた「最後の晩餐」。 右端に立っている赤い帽子の男性がディーリック・バウツだと言われています。
"The Last Supper", painted by Dirk Bouts between 1464 and 1468. They say the man with red hat, standing at the right hand edge, is Dirk Bouts. |
聖ペテロ教会 St. Peter's Church Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:29 |
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The Holy Family was displayed for Christmas. |
マルクト広場 Market Place Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:34 |
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We left the church and got out to the outside. A daytime is very short in the winter. It looks like the evening. When we go straight on this street, we reach "Leuven railway station". |
マルクト広場 Market Place Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:35 |
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Illuminations of "Town hall" turned on. It was a reservation time. We were going to the observaton of "Town hall". |
市庁舎 Town Hall Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:36 |
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Portraits of past mayors are displayed in this room. |
市庁舎 Town Hall Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:40 |
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There is a wonderful table in this room. Of course, painting as well. |
市庁舎 Town Hall Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:40 |
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A marble table with mosaic. |
市庁舎 Town Hall Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:41 |
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The ceiling painting. Not only the appearance but the interior were wonderful. |
市庁舎 Town Hall Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:41 |
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The conference hall. |
市庁舎 Town Hall Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:44 |
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The courtyard is seen from this room. There are simple window frame which are different from the beautiful appearance. I hear they were made without spending much money because they were not seen from the outside. Building a beautiful town hall which did not lose in Brussels' was a citizen's wish. |
市庁舎 Town Hall Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:45 |
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この人が今回のガイドさん。 面白かったです。ありがとー
She was our guide this time. It was interesting. Thank you. |
市庁舎 Town Hall Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:47 |
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When we got out, it already became dark. Illumination was very beautiful. |
聖ペテロ教会 St. Peter's Church Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:47 |
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The church was lighted up as well. |
マルクト広場 Market Place Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 20:48 |
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Market place was beautiful with lights. A long night is very nice because we can see such a beautiful town. |
オールド・マルクト広場 Old Market Place Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 22:16 |
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カフェやレストランが並ぶ「オールド・マルクト広場」。 美食の街らしい広場です。
"Old market place" is lined with cafes and restaurants. It is the square like gastronomic town. |
市庁舎 Town Hall Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 22:17 |
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Illuminations changed to music and it was gorgeous. The beautiful "Town hall" became more beautiful. |
フォンスケ像 Fonske Statue Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 22:20 |
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ルーヴェンのシンボル「フォンスケ」くん。本名は「Fonse Sapientiae」。ラテン語で「知恵の泉」と言う意味だそうです。さすが大学の街。
"Fonske", a symbol of Leuven. His official name is "Fonse Sapientiae". I hear it means "Source of wisdom" in Latin.. It's suitable for the university town. |
ティーンセ通り Tiensestraat Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 22:23 |
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When we stand in front of Fonske, there is "Tiensestraat" leading to "Leuven railway station". It takes 10 minutes on foot. We go on foot. |
Hispania Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 22:24 |
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ブリュッセルに着いてお夕飯。 シーフードが有名なお店らしい。
We arrived at Brussels and had a dinner. I hear this restaurant is famous for seafood. |
Hispania Junko 2019年6月16日(日) 22:24 |
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お魚も食べて、ホテルへ。 またベルギーの一日が終わってしまいましたー
We had a fish and went back to the hotel. A day in Belgium was over again. |