The sunrise becomes later and the days are getting shorter. |
引っ越し前 Before Moving Junko 2018年12月4日(火) 5:22 |
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Trees in the backyard change colours little by little. |
ルイーズ Louise Junko 2018年12月4日(火) 5:26 |
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お引っ越し前のお買い物にルイーズに来ました。 お買い物をすませてランチへ。
I came to Louise for shopping before moving. I went for lunch after a shopping. |
THERESE ET DOMINIQUE Junko 2018年12月4日(火) 5:27 |
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いつ大行列のサンドウィッチ屋さん。 開店5分前で列が短かったので並んでみることに。
This sandwitch store has always many people lined up. I decided to stand in a line because it was 5 minutes before the opening hours and the line was very short. |
THERESE ET DOMINIQUE Junko 2018年12月4日(火) 5:28 |
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Members of the ambulance also stand in a line, Of course parking is prohibited here. I am wondering if an ambulance can park here. |
THERESE ET DOMINIQUE Junko 2018年12月4日(火) 5:30 |
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山盛りの具材とでっかいパンで3.7ユーロ。やっすー。しかもおいしい!! 行列する意味がわかりました。
The cost of the big bread with full of ingredients is 3.7 euros. Quite unexpensive. And it's amazing. I understand why people form a line. |