1泊二日でパリに行ってきました。 ブリュッセル発のタリスは1時間以上遅れて出発。 まあ、なんとか着いたから…だれも文句言わないしね…
I visited Paris on a two day one night. A Thalys left Brussels more than 1 hour late. Anyway it was OK because I was able to arrive and nobody complained. |
パリ東駅 Gare de l'Est Junko 2018年8月9日(木) 6:07 |
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I had a plan to go for shopping because it was the middle of soldes season. However my arrival was late, so I decided to go for shopping next day. I took a walk in the city. It takes 5 minutes on foot from Gare du Nord where Thalys arrived to Gare de l'Est. It is one of the largest and the oldest railway stations in Paris and was opened in 1849. |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月9日(木) 6:13 |
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13世紀から1789年まで絞首刑となった罪人の死体をさらす場所として悪名高い「Gibbet of Montfaucon」の近くにあったため、19世紀半ばまでこの地域は不吉だという評判がありました。1789年の革命後はゴミ捨て場となり、その後は馬の死体の処理と下水を溜める場所となりました。他の部分はパリとアメリカの建物用の石膏や石灰石の採掘場でした。
The area, until the mid-19th century, had a sinister reputation; it was close to the site of the Gibbet of Montfaucon, the notorious place where the bodies of hanged criminals were displayed after their executions from the 13th century until 1760. After the 1789 Revolution, it became a refuse dump, and then a place for cutting up horse carcasses and a depository for sewage. Another part of the site was a former gypsum and limestone quarry mined for the construction of buildings in Paris and in the United States. |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月9日(木) 6:17 |
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The work of the converting to the park began in 1864 and the park was opened in 1867. The heart of the park is an artificial lake of 1.5 hectares surrounding "The Ile de la Belvedere". |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月9日(木) 6:19 |
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I went up to the top of "The Ile de la Belvedere". |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:15 |
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"The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris" was seen from an arbor of "The Ile de la Belvedere". |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:17 |
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I crossed the bridge and headed for a cafe in the park. |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:17 |
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I had a cup of coffee and took a rest. I looked at the scenery while I was daydreaming. |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:19 |
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I walked around the lake. |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:22 |
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Children did a tug of war. Looked fun. |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:25 |
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島の頂上にある東屋はガブリエル・ダヴィウがイタリアティヴォリにある古代ローマ時代のウェスタ神殿に似せて建築しました。"temple de la Sibylle"(巫女の神殿)と呼ばれています。神殿は1867年に完成しています。
The most famous feature of the park is a miniature version of the famous ancient Roman Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, Italy, designed by Gabriel Davioud. It's called "The Temple de la Sibylle". The temple was finished in 1867. |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:25 |
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I found a grotto. It is a vestige of the old gypsum and limestone quarry that occupied part of the site. |
ビュット=ショーモン公園 Parc des Buttes Chaumont Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:28 |
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There is a cascade in the grotto. It is 34 meters high and considerably magnificent. Artificial stalactites make a nice atmosphere. |
ムザイア通り Rue de Mouzaia Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:31 |
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The street near "Parc des Buttes Chaumont". High buildings was not able to be built because there was a quarry near here and the ground was unstable. An old atmosphere is left in this wonderful street. |
ムザイア通り Rue de Mouzaia Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:35 |
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This cat escoted me to the end of the street. |
ムザイア通り Rue de Mouzaia Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:43 |
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It's a quiet residential street and no car was at a roundabout. I went through here. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:45 |
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「ウルク運河」に到着。 1802年5月19日にナポレオンは運河を造る様、指示しました。運河はセーヌ川を避けた運行コースの提供とパリへの水の供給という2つの目的を持っていました。フランス帝国の崩壊後、1814年の復古王政まで工事は中断しました。運河は1822年に開通しています。
I arrived at "Canal de l'Ourcq". On 19 May 1802, Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the creation of the canal. The canals would have the dual purposes of providing shipping channels which avoided the Seine and bringing water to Paris. After the fall of the French Empire, work stopped until the Bourbon Restoration in 1814. The canal was opened to navigation in 1822. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:47 |
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It is the active canal which cargo boats come and go even now. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:48 |
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This bridge is a floating bridge and moved by a small motor when a bost goes. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:50 |
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There is a big park near the canal and many people who were invited bya fine weather came there. This vehicle was interesting. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:51 |
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A submarine was displayed in the park. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:54 |
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It's a big mirror-ball. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 3:55 |
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There is a shopping mall in the park. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:00 |
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There is a vertical wind tunnel at an atrium of the shopping mall. Though a guy tried it, he could fly only at the height of the waist of the instructor. It seemed to be very difficult. There were benches around the tunnel and many people saw him. Come on ! |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:01 |
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インストラクターはさすが見せるねー。 エアコンの効いたショッピングセンターですっかりのんびりしちゃいました。
An instructor is indeed good. I relaxed for a long time at the shopping mall with a good AC. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:03 |
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I decided to go back to the hotel on foot without using a metro because the weather was fine. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:05 |
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運河に近い方から歩行者用、自転車用、自動車用。 歩道がいちばん広く、安心して歩けます。
From that is neear to a canal, a pavement, a cycling road and a road foe cars. A pavement is the widest and we can walk with security. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:06 |
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This bridge lets a ship go through by making up-and-down motion. |
ウルク運河 Canal de l'Ourcq Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:06 |
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I can cross over it soon. |
ウルク運河 Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:10 |
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運河の岸辺にわざわざ砂をいれて「ビーチ」気分を楽しむパリの人たち。 まもなくホテル。パリってすごいなぁと思うことができたウオーキングでした。
Parisian spread sand all over the bank of the canal expressly and enjoyed a feeling of the "Beach". I arrived at the hotel soon. This walking made me think that Paris was great. |
2018.07.08 パリ歩き二日目 Second Day of The Trip to Paris Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:20 |
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I am going to the art museum which just opened in April of this year. I bought a fresh croissant at a passing bakery and ate it as breakfast at a bench in the park. It was a wonderful breakfast. |
アトリエ・デ・ルミエール Atelier des Lumieres Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:22 |
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This art museum is already extreme popularity. Many people were lined up for admission from early time. There was nothing to worry about because I already bought a ticket on the internet. |
アトリエ・デ・ルミエール Atelier des Lumieres Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:24 |
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The museum is converted from a former foundry and you can enjoy various images. A sound and an image surround me and they are very powerful. |
アトリエ・デ・ルミエール Atelier des Lumieres Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:30 |
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部屋中がプロジェクションマッピングされている感じ。 開館と同時に入ったのでまだ人もまばらですが、帰る頃には床の画像が見えなくなるぐらい人が入っていました。行くなら朝一番がおすすめ。
It seems that projection mapping is held in the whole room. There were few people in the photo because I entered with the opening, but I couldn't see an image on the floor due to large number of visitors when I left the museum. I recommend you will be a firstcomer. |
アトリエ・デ・ルミエール Atelier des Lumieres Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:31 |
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The 40 minutes image which featured Klimt. It was worth watching. |
アトリエ・デ・ルミエール Atelier des Lumieres Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:32 |
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This tree image was great. I watched it twice. |
アトリエ・デ・ルミエール Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:33 |
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Some people walked, sat on a chair, lay down, while they were watching an image. |
アトリエ・デ・ルミエール Atelier des Lumieres Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:35 |
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We can watch 2 works other than Klimt. |
アトリエ・デ・ルミエール Atelier des Lumieres Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:37 |
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It takes about 1 hour to see 3 works. I left the room after I watched some 2nd Klimt. |
アトリエ・デ・ルミエール Atelier des Lumieres Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:38 |
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There is a cafe. |
アトリエ・デ・ルミエール Atelier des Lumieres Junko 2018年8月10日(金) 4:39 |
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I felt a different atmosphere in the room where a floor, a ceiling and walls were covered with mirrors. It looks like i am floating. |
サン・ジェルマン・デ・プレ Saint-Germain-des-Pres Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:29 |
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I bought a one-day ticket today, so I moved by metro. I got off at Saint-Germain-des-Pres. The church of "Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Pres". The interior is under restoration now. |
円 Yen Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:30 |
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I walked a little from the church and went to "Yen" for a lunch. |
円 Yen Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:31 |
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Squid and yam with jelly of tosa-zu (vinegar flavored with bonito shavings, konbu kelp, sugar and soy sauce). It's the dish which fits with summer. Fresh one. |
円 Yen Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:32 |
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A lunchbox contains various dishes a little. I love it. |
円 Yen Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:33 |
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Zaru soba (soba served on a bamboo draining basket with dipping sauce), because "Yen" is a soba restaurant. |
円 Yen Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:34 |
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デザートはくず餅。 お弁当は48ユーロ。ゆっくりおいしくいただきました。
The dessert was a kuzumochi (Japanese cakes made of kuzuko). The cost of lunch was 48euros. It was a wonderful lunch. |
サン・シュピルス教会 Church of Saint-Sulpice Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:36 |
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Though I came to the neighborhood last time, I didn't see the interior. Therefore I dropped at there. |
サン・シュピルス教会 Church of Saint-Sulpice Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:41 |
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The church became the stage of the novel, "The Da Vinci Code". |
サン・シュピルス教会 Church of Saint-Sulpice Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:42 |
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The church has the biggest pipe-organ in Europe. We can listen to the sound of it, when we come here on Sunday. |
サン・シュピルス教会 Church of Saint-Sulpice Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:44 |
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There is a "Visconti's fountain" in front of the church. |
サン・シュピルス教会 Church of Saint-Sulpice Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:46 |
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I dropped at "Pierre Herme" near the church and bought an ice cream. I ate it at "Saint-Sulpice Square". |
サン・シュピルス教会 Church of Saint-Sulpice Junko 2018年8月11日(土) 4:48 |
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「ピエール・エルメ」 帰りのタリスで食べるクロワッサンも購入。
"Pierre Herme" I bought a croissant I was going to eat in the Thalys of the return. |
ルーブル美術館 Louvre Junko 2018年8月21日(火) 3:31 |
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I was heading for Galeries Lafayette by bus. Bus crossed the courtyard of Louvre on the way. |
ギャラリーラファイエット Galeries Lafayette Junko 2018年8月21日(火) 3:34 |
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Galeries Lafayette in the middle of soldes was decorated like Chinese building. It seemed not to be a department store in Paris. |
ギャラリーラファイエット Galeries Lafayette Junko 2018年8月21日(火) 3:36 |
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I bought many items such as clothing and accessories and went to the living article section. I bought a vase of Iittala in spite of myself because its price became half. I was going back to Brussels with a big vase. |
シャンゼリゼ通り Champs-Elysees Junko 2018年8月21日(火) 3:38 |
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I moved to "Les Champs-Elysees" to buy an item I was asked by a friend. When I thought something was missing, I knew a Ferris wheel in "Place de la Concorde" disappeared. |
シャンゼリゼ通り Champs-Elysees Junko 2018年8月21日(火) 3:39 |
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A shop of Renault. |
シャンゼリゼ通り Champs-Elysees Junko 2018年8月21日(火) 3:41 |
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"Fouquet's" |
シャンゼリゼ通り Champs-Elysees Junko 2018年8月21日(火) 3:43 |
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There were tricolour banners along the street because it was just after "the bastille day, 14 July". I went back to Brussels after a shopping. Paris is always a fun city even if I go there many times. I will come again next month. |