デュッセルドルフに買い出しの週末。 相方のお誕生日なので日航ホテルにある「弁慶」でお肉を食べることにしました。暑くてエアコンが必要だったので今回の泊まりは日航ホテルだったのですが、いつもは日航ホテルすぐ近くのここ。朝ご飯がおいしくて好きなんです。
We went to Dusseldorf for shopping on this weekend. We decided to eat a meat at "Benkey" in Nikko hotel because it was Masaki's birthday. Though we stayed at Nokko hotel this time because we needed an air conditioner due to a high temperature, we usually use this hotel near there. I love this hotel because a breakfast is tasty. |
弁慶で焼き肉 Grilled Meat at Benkey Junko 2018年9月5日(水) 5:04 |
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目の前で焼いてくれるのを見ながら食べるスタイル。 だいたい、見せるほどの腕前じゃない!!鉄板が汚すぎる!これはやばいところに来てしまった!!
We eat a dish which a cook grills in front of us. A cook's skill was too low for showing customers it! A steel plate was too dirty! We came to a terrible restaurant!! |
弁慶で焼き肉 Grilled Meat at Benkey Junko 2018年9月5日(水) 5:04 |
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お肉のお寿司。 これはおいしかったです。
Sushi of beef. It was nice. |
弁慶で焼き肉 Grilled Meat at Benkey Junko 2018年9月5日(水) 5:06 |
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すき焼き。 お店には日本人客はわたしたちだけ。生卵を溶いて食べる様子に周りの人たちは興味津々。注目されました。
Suki-yaki Japanese customers in the restaurant were only us. Other customers were very interested in our sate to eat it with a raw egg. We attracted attention from them. |
弁慶で焼き肉 Grilled Meat at Benkey Junko 2018年9月5日(水) 5:07 |
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メインのお肉。 この盛り付け。不合格!!味はまあまあ。これで一人140ユーロは取り過ぎです。
Beef steak of the main dish. The presentation can't pass the exam. Taste was not bad. 140euros per person was too expensive for the cost of this meal . |
ピエールマルコリーニ Pierre Marcolini Junko 2018年9月5日(水) 5:08 |
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We had an ice cream of Pierre Marcolini on the next day. |
夕焼け Sunset Junko 2018年9月5日(水) 5:09 |
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When we came home, we saw a beautiful sunset from our room. |