
修正キー (英数8文字以内)
 2018.11.01-04 アルベロベッロとイタリアの小さな村めぐり Alberobello and Tour of Small Villages in Italy  Junko  2018年12月17日(月) 6:08

We visited "Alberobello" we wanted to do.
A weekday lounge of the airport was vacant.

 アルベロベッロとイタリアの小さな村めぐり Alberobello and Tour of Small Villages in Italy Junko  2018年12月17日(月) 6:18 修正

We trandfered an airplane at Frankfurt. Depending on the gate, it takes around 30 minutes to transfer because Frankfurt airport is very big. We hope the airplane will land near the transfer gate.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月17日(月) 6:21 修正

We arrived the hotel using "trullo" in heavy rain.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月17日(月) 6:22 修正

The room was wide and comfortable.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月17日(月) 6:22 修正

The condition of the conical roofs.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月17日(月) 7:13 修正

We went to walk the town a little because the rain stopped. Firstly we came to "Basilica sanctuary of Saints Cosmas and Damian". The construction began in 1882 and lasted almost three years, but at the time its construction was largely incomplete having only been created central nave and the facade. The left arm was completed in 1948 and the right arm in 1956, while the planned octagonal dome was never built. We gave up the admission because the funeral was held.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月17日(月) 7:14 修正

A lovely street lined with "Trullo". Trulli generally were constructed as temporary field shelters and storehouses or, as permanent dwellings by small proprietors or agricultural labourers. The golden age of trulli was the nineteenth century, especially its final decades, which were marked by the development of wine growing.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月17日(月) 7:14 修正

It's really a fantasy land.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 5:27 修正

We arrived at "Sanctuary Parish of Saint Anthony of Padua". The church was built between 1926 and 1927. It is a new church built in the 20th century and modelled after "trullo".

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 5:31 修正

The altar of "Sanctuary Parish of Saint Anthony of Padua". It's "Crucifixion of Jesus". 2 people painted at the bottm right, in in Arabish clothes, are Santi Cosma and Damiano who are patron saints of Alberobello.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 5:41 修正

"Piazza Gian Girolamo"
It's the square where we can look out over the group of trullos in Rione Monti.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 5:43 修正

We walked in "Rione Aia Piccola".

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 5:44 修正

"Rione Aia Piccola" is diffrent from "Rione Monti" and not made a tourist area.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 5:45 修正

We came back to the hotel. We went for dinner after a short break.

 L'Aratra Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 6:00 修正

This restaurant uses "trullo". I hear it is a popular restaurant which appears on the guidebook and is used by group tour visitors.

 L'Aratra Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 6:02 修正

When we ordered an assorted hors-d'oeuvres, too many dishes were served. We became full with only them. So I introduce only one dish like Japanese hanpen (a cake of pounded fish). It included around 7 kinds of dishes.

 L'Aratra Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 6:03 修正

We ordered 1 dish for 2 people as a main dish. Even so, we did our best to eat it.
Thank you for a nice dinner.

 2018.11.02 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 7:24 修正

We went to the restaurant in the another trullo of the hotel for breakfast.

 カステル・デル・モンテ Castel del Monte Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 7:25 修正

We visited "Castel del Monte" of the World Heritage Site. It has neither a moat nor a drawbridge and some considered it never to have been intended as a defensive fortress. However, archaeological work has suggested that it originally had a curtain wall.

 カステル・デル・モンテ Castel del Monte Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 7:30 修正

The castle, situated on a hill near "Bari", was built during the 1240s by the Emperor Frederick II, who had inherited the lands from his mother Constance of Sicily. In the 18th century, the castle's interior marbles and remaining furnishings were removed.

 カステル・デル・モンテ Castel del Monte Junko  2018年12月18日(火) 7:34 修正

It's an original octagon-shaped unique castle. The courtyard surrounded with 8 towers are, of course, original octagon. When we look up, we can see such a sky. The towers were originally some 5 m higher than now, and they should perhaps include a third floor.

 カステル・デル・モンテ Castel del Monte Junko  2019年1月16日(水) 20:17 修正

An entrance faced on the original octagon-shaped courtyard. I don't know why it is here.

 カステル・デル・モンテ Castel del Monte Junko  2019年1月16日(水) 20:21 修正

I looked down at the courtyard. Of course it's the original octagon.

 カステル・デル・モンテ Castel del Monte Junko  2019年1月16日(水) 20:41 修正

The castle became new one to be seemed that the restoration was done too much. Therefore I did not want to take photos. It's a rest room.

 カステル・デル・モンテ Castel del Monte Junko  2019年1月16日(水) 20:42 修正

The view from the castle is nice because the castle stands on the small hill.

 カステル・デル・モンテ Castel del Monte Junko  2019年1月16日(水) 20:45 修正

We walked a promenade around the castle.

 カステル・デル・モンテ Castel del Monte Junko  2019年1月16日(水) 20:46 修正

We looked the castle up slightly from below and finished the visit. It is a unique castle.

 世界遺産・マテーラ World Heritage Site/Matera Junko  2019年1月16日(水) 20:52 修正
「セピア色の街」と称される「マテーラ」。ついでに立ち寄った街でしたが、素晴らしかったです。おすすめの街。la Citta Sotterranea (「地下の街」)として知られ、洞窟壁画教会公園に沿った歴史的な中心地「サッシ」は1993年にユネスコ世界遺産になっています。

"Matera" called "Sepia town". We dropped in at this town incidentally, but it was wonderful. I recommend this town. Known as la Citta Sotterranea ("the Underground City"), its historical centre "Sassi", along with the Park of the Rupestrian Churches, was awarded World Heritage Site status by UNESCO since 1993.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月16日(水) 21:49 修正
1668年から72年にかけて建てられたPalazzo Lanfranchi前の広場です。宮殿は2003年5月6日から国立中世博物館とバジリカータ現代美術館の本部となっています。街歩きはこの広場からスタート。

It's a square in front of Palazzo Lanfranchi built between 1668 and 1672. From 6 May 2003, it has become the headquarters of the National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art of Basilicata. We started the town tour from here.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月17日(木) 21:29 修正

We don't have any plan about the town because we dropprd in there incidentlly. Guide plates stands in the town are all information for us. Tentatively we are goinf to some churches.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月17日(木) 21:30 修正
歩いているとでっかい穴!「ヴィットリオ・ヴェネトの地下室」です。街の中心の広場の地下に位置し、数年前に発見されました。巨大な地下室と「Palombaro lungo」と呼ばれる古代の貯水庫があります。

We found a big hole while we were walking. It's "Hypogeum Vittorio Veneto's square". It is located under the main square of the city and came to light a few years ago, and contains numerous underground rooms and an ancient underground cistern, called the "Palombaro lungo".

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月17日(木) 21:31 修正

We arrived at the first church. It's "Church of St. John the Baptist". It was built between 1230 and 1233. The church was abandoned During the war of Otranto (1480). It was then reopened for worship in 1695 and named after St. John the Baptist.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月17日(木) 22:29 修正

It's a very simple church.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月17日(木) 22:33 修正

When we walked in the town of "Matera", established on the hill of tuff, we kept going up and down. We walked on the alley like a maze.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月17日(木) 22:39 修正

I hera once many residents desappeared, the town became slums. However it has a unique atomosphere which is completely different from other towns of Italy. The town became to gather many tourists who were attracted to this atmosphere.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月17日(木) 22:41 修正

When we see the scenery, we know it's a rock mountain. Natural cave are still left even now. Once people lived there.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月17日(木) 22:46 修正

We headed for a church which stood on the rock mountain.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 13:05 修正

We arrived. The right church is suitable for "Matera" because it uses a cave. The left is "Chiesa di San Pietro Caveoso ("Saint Peter and Saint Paul Church")".

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 13:07 修正

The scenery from here was quite nice. The road we walked was seen.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 13:13 修正

"Chiesa di San Pietro Caveoso"
Its initial construction dates back to 1218. The building has undergone changes and renovations over the centuries with the loss of many of the original construction features. In the 17th century the church was completely renovated with the addition of the current facade and the belfry. The ceiling is boarded. It is adorned with wondeful pictures of "Jesus and Saint Peter" and "Saint Paul's conversion". We can not watch it without the illumination. When someone put a coin in the box, the light turns on for a while. Thank to someone, we could watch the picture on the ceiling.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 13:16 修正

"Santa Maria de Idris and San Giovanni in Monterrone"
The church built in the 12th century. We did not enter this church because we needed to pay an entrance fee.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 14:34 修正

"Cave dwelling"
"The Sassi" originate from a prehistoric "troglodyte" settlement and are suspected to be among the first human settlements in Italy. There is evidence that people were living here as early as the year 7000 BC. This room was used as a living room and a bed room as well.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 14:35 修正

"Cave dwelling"
The horse was kept in the same room. I think it was stinking.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 14:36 修正

"Cave dwelling"
A kitchen. Water was saved in the underground and taken up from the kitchen.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 14:48 修正

We headed for "Matera Cathedral" next.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 14:50 修正

It was very hard for going up and down because we walked without a plan.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 14:51 修正

We arrived at "Matera Cathedral". Construction began in 1203, and was completed in 1270.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 15:02 修正

"Matera Cathedral"
The cornices were collapsed in 2003 and the church re-opened in 2016 again after 13 years restoration. Gorgeous.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 15:12 修正

A painting on the ceiling of "Matera Cathedral".

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 15:13 修正

A chapel in "Matera Cathedral". When people who want to watch put money in the box, the lights turn on. Thank to someone who paid the money, we could watch "The Annunciation".

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 15:17 修正
「Church of Saint Francis of Assisi」

"Church of Saint Francis of Assisi"
It was almost entirely rebuilt in 1670.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 15:26 修正
「Church of Saint Francis of Assisi」

"Church of Saint Francis of Assisi"
The interior colour is blue and white in Wedgewood style.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 15:33 修正

The wonderful building faced on "Sedile Square" is " Palazzo del Sedile". During 14th century, it was a center of commercial activities and in the 16th century it was used as a political center, the governor's offices, the prisons. Today it's a multipurpose hall.

 マテーラ Matera Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 15:39 修正

The view of the town of "Matera" from the hill.
It was a very attractive town.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 15:51 修正

We came back to Alberobello. We were hungry and bought a focaccia at a bakery. A shop assistant said "Please wait because new bread are completed", so we waited for a while. We were able to buy a freshly baked one. 50 cents for 1 piece. Inexpensive ! Freshly baked bread was amazing.

 Trullo D'Oro di Davide Girolamo Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 15:54 修正

We took a rest at the hotel and went for dinner.
This popular restaurant is available only with the reservation.

 Trullo D'Oro di Davide Girolamo Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 16:00 修正

Of course we ordered local wine. The cost of the bottle was 10 Euros. It was really cheap.

 Trullo D'Oro di Davide Girolamo Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 16:04 修正

We ordered assorted hors-d'oeuvres and too many dishes were served here as well. We became full only with them. However we wanted to have pasta and ordered it because we were in Italy now. This raw pasta is a popular dish of the restaurant. It was great.

 2018.11.03 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 21:17 修正

We took a walk in the town before breakfast.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 21:23 修正

There was nobody walking yet.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 21:31 修正

"Church of Santa Lucia"
It was built in 1820.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 21:32 修正

"Piazza del Popolo"
It's the center of the town. At the center of the square, there is the obelisk dedicated to the war dead during the World Wars in the 20th century.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 21:33 修正

"Palazzo del Municipio" built in 1863. Faced on the "Piazza del Popolo".

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 21:35 修正

A fountain in "Piazza Giangirolamo"

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 21:38 修正

"Piazza Giangirolamo" is located on the small hill, so we can look out over "Rione Monti" from there.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 21:49 修正

We took a walk after breakfast.
We headed for "Basilica sanctuary of Saints Cosmas and Damian" we were not able to enter on the first day.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 21:49 修正

It's the interior of the church.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月20日(日) 21:52 修正
「サンティ・メディチ・コズマ・エ・ダミアーノ聖堂」の後ろにある「トゥルッロソヴラーノ」へ。18世紀の前半に建てられ、唯一の2階建てのトゥルッリで、そのためイタリア語で「王」と呼ばれています。Cataldo Petra司祭の命令で建てられました。

We came to "Trullo Sovrano" located at the behind "Basilica sanctuary of Saints Cosmas and Damian". Built during the first half of the 18th century, it is the only trullo with a raised floor and because of this it is called "sovrano" (Italian for monarch, king). It was erected on behest of the priest Cataldo Petra.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月28日(月) 21:38 修正

"Trullo Sovrano"
The inside is spacious. The room faced on the backyard looks comfortable.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月28日(月) 21:42 修正

"Trullo Sovrano"
I hear the second floor was used as a workshop.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月28日(月) 21:45 修正

We left "Trullo Sovrano" and moved to "Rione Monti".

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月28日(月) 21:48 修正

Some shops let us get on to the roof.
We enjoyed an unique scenery.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月28日(月) 21:50 修正

A lovely alley.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月28日(月) 21:57 修正

Alberobello is famous for textile industry, so we dropped in a store to buy a souvenir and found such a paper lantern. Alberobello is twinned with Shirakawa-go, Japan. I had a pleasant chatting with the owner who loved Japan very much.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月28日(月) 21:58 修正

The owner let us get on to the roof in secret.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月28日(月) 22:00 修正

The street was very crowded and became Harajuku in the adternoon. We were going to leave Alberobello soon.

 アルベロベッロ Alberobello Junko  2019年1月28日(月) 22:05 修正

When we were heading for the hotel, we found "Yoko's shop" managed by Japanese. The owner let us get on to the roof also here.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月30日(水) 21:40 修正

It is the town which is the base of the sightseeing of Alberobello and Matera. We will go home from the airpoer in the town. We moved to Bari from Alberobello and stayed here today because a flight of the next day was early in the morning. We went to the old town bt metro after we checked-in the hotel. We took a walk until dinner.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月30日(水) 21:51 修正

A former co-worker of my partner is from this town. We visited some places he recommended. It's "The University of Bari" founded in 1925. It is one of the most prestigious universities in Southern Italy and it is one of the largest universities in Italy, with a student population of around 60,000.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月30日(水) 22:13 修正

"The Teatro Petruzzelli" is seen at the end of the street.
The first theatre was built in 1903, but during the night of 26 and 27 October 1991 the theatre was completely destroyed by fire, the result of arson. The new one opened on 7 September 2009. We confirmed where the restaurant we booked is. We were going ahead.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月30日(水) 22:50 修正

I love such a backstreet.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月30日(水) 23:04 修正

We arrived at "Bari Cathedral".
A big rose window in beige coloured simple facade is impressive. The present building was constructed between the late 12th and late 13th centuries, mostly in the last thirty years of the 12th century. The building later underwent a series of refurbishments, demolitions and extensions. The original Romanesque appearance of the interior was restored in the 1950s. The last two restorations were those of, firstly, the late 20th century, which has restored the clarity of the Romanesque structures, and secondly, the 21st century, which has refurbished the interior.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月31日(木) 21:14 修正

"Bari Cathedral"
Though the interior looks simple as well, pillars are made of diffrent coloured marbles.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月31日(木) 21:16 修正

"Bari Cathedral"
A mosaic of the Roman Empire date is left in the underground.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月31日(木) 21:18 修正

"Bari Cathedral"
The base part of the ancient building.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月31日(木) 21:30 修正

"Bari Cathedral"
The interior is bigger than the imagination from the appearance. We went to the crypt in the underground.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月31日(木) 21:35 修正

"Bari Cathedral"
The crypt is more gorgeous. There are a lot of devout Christians.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月31日(木) 21:36 修正

"The Madonna Odegitria" in the crypt of "Bari Cathedral". According to tradition this was brought from the Orient in the 8th century, but in reality it is later, although nevertheless a cult object of great antiquity.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月31日(木) 21:37 修正

"Bari Cathedral"
Frescoes are also left.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年1月31日(木) 21:38 修正

We left the cathedral and passed at the side of "The Castello Normanno-Svevo". Built around 1132 by Norman King Roger II, it is currently used for exhibitions.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 18:12 修正

We left the cathedral and headed for "Basilica di San Nicola".

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 18:15 修正

We arrived at "Basilica di San Nicola". The basilica was built between 1087 and 1197 and is an important pilgrimage destination both for Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians from Eastern Europe.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 18:23 修正

"Basilica di San Nicola"
The interior is simple. Arches stands out. These arches were made in order to enhance aseismic performance in the 15th century.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 18:27 修正

"Basilica di San Nicola"
The main altar of the church. The ciborium is the most ancient in the region.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 18:28 修正

"Basilica di San Nicola"
The ceiling painting was very gorgeous, different from simple facade and interior.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 18:30 修正

"Basilica di San Nicola"
The tomb of "Saint Nicholas" in the crypt. Santa Claus sleeps in this grave.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 18:33 修正

We left "Basilica di San Nicola" and headed for "Adriatic Sea".

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:39 修正

We reached a walk way along the seaside. I wish it was a fine day.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:41 修正

It's "The ruins of the church of Santa Maria". Surveys carried out in the 1980s have revealed that the structure dates back to a period between the 10th and 12th centuries. Such ruins are left in the town of Italy as a matter of course.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:42 修正
「Church of Santa Scolastica」

"Church of Santa Scolastica"
It dates back to between the 8th and 11th centuries and includes church and monastery. The 18th century facade is divided into three by pilasters.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:42 修正

We walked on the promenade along the seaside and went back to the center of the town.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:45 修正

We arrived at "Mercantile Square". In medieval times the square was the political center of the city, as well as one of the main places of exchange. The building is "Palazzo del Sedile" built in the second half of the 15th century. It's the oldest and most characteristic of the old city.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:47 修正

We headed for the restaurant from "Piazza del Ferrarese". It owes its name to a merchant, owner of several buildings in the same square, which in the 17th century moved to Bari and left its mark also in the construction of the Palazzo del Sedile loggia.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:52 修正

The vehicle which are active in an Italian alley....

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:55 修正

A motor tricycle. It's suitable for an Italian alley.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:56 修正

There is a stylish building on the way to the restaurant.
It's "Palazzo Mincuzzi" built in 1928. The Mincuzzi family of the merchant owns it.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:57 修正

The building has an open ceiling in the center and it is very cool. In 2001, the Mincuzzi family decided to close thier shop and to rent its building to Luciano Benetton. Today it is a shop of Benetton.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:58 修正

"The Teatro Petruzzelli"
When we arrived at Bari, we saw this theatre. The restaurant is very close by there.

 Ai 2 Ghiottoni Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:58 修正

This restaurant is famous for excellent seafoods.

 Ai 2 Ghiottoni Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 20:59 修正

Assoerted various kinds of prawns. We want wasabi and soy sauce. They are fresh sashimi.

 Ai 2 Ghiottoni Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 21:00 修正

Seafood pasta. Amazing.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 21:06 修正

We visited "Jerome Cafe" for a dessert.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 21:07 修正

"Jerome Cafe"
A cake had a moderate sweetness and was beautiful.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 21:09 修正

"Bari Centrale"
We came back to the station. We were going to the hotel near the airport by metro. The station was first built in 1864 and between 1865 and 1906 5 more platforms were added. In the first half of the 20th century it was further enlarged and renewed and in 1946, after World War II, the most recent renovation project was started.

 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 21:10 修正

We had an impression that south Italy was not safe, although it was a peaceful and wonderful town.

 2018.11.04 バーリ Bari Junko  2019年2月6日(水) 21:19 修正


We were going back to Brussels by morning flight.
We went to the airport by metro. Though it is located in front of the hotel, we had to pay 5 euros for the train fare. Taxi was cheaper than metro.

Matera and Bari were a bonus of Alberobello trip, but they were nice cities. We were satisfied with every cities. We needed more time.
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