お天気が良かったので「アンギャン」と言う街までお出かけしました。 地下鉄に乗って「セントラル駅」まで。
I went to the town of "Enghien", because it was a fine day. Firstly I went to "Central Station" by metro. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:24 |
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国鉄に乗って行くよ。 がらがら。
I went to there by the national train. The train was almost empty. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:25 |
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I arrived at "Enghien" station. It takes around 20 minutes from "Central Station". |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:26 |
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まずはいちばんの中心地へ。 「聖ニコラス教会」は修復中。
Firstly I went to the center of the town. "St. Nicholas Church" was under renovation. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:34 |
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「聖ニコラス教会」。 教会の中。村人には全然会わず…
"St. Nicholas Church" The inside of the church. I have not seen anyone in the town. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:35 |
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「聖ニコラス教会」 「聖母子像」を見て…
"St. Nicholas Church" I saw "the statue of the Virgin and Child". |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:36 |
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「聖ニコラス教会」 教会を出てきました。これから公園に行く前にちょっと村を歩きます。
"St. Nicholas Church" I got out from the church. I was taking a walk in the town before I would go to the park. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:38 |
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A garbage can at the side of the church. It had a presence. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:42 |
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I walked on the road in front of "St. Nicholas Church". |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:43 |
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I saw the old parts of the Capuchin Convent established in 1615. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:43 |
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Though I walked at a residential area, I had not seen any residents. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:45 |
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いちばん賑やかな「聖ニコラス教会」あたりでもレストランは閉っていたので村人が列を作っているパン屋さんへ行ってパンを買うことに。 もう、いろいろ売り切れてるー
Restaurants around "St. Nicholas Church", which was the busiest area, were closed, we went to a bekery with a long queue of residents and bought bread. Various bread had already been sold out. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:46 |
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I bought a cake, too. Finally I had seen people at this bakery. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:46 |
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Every towns have a monument of the war. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:47 |
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I returned to "St. Nicholas Church" and headed for the park. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:48 |
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I had a lunch at the bench in the park. Though I was going to eat bread, I ate a cake as lunch in substitution for bread because I bought it in spite of myself. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:49 |
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There is "The Chateau Empain" built in 1913 in the park. The two side wings date from 1926. It's the property of the town of Enghien since 1986 and now rented for the events. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:50 |
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The garden of flowers of the chateau. Considerably it is beautiful. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:51 |
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The view of the backside of the chateau from the garden. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:52 |
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I was going to walk in the big park after I walked in the garden of the chateau. The park was created between 1630 and 1665. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:53 |
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A hiking trail in the forest. The park has an area of 182 ha. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:54 |
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There is a big pond, too. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:56 |
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公園の中のカフェ。公園の入り口でも途中の看板でも「オープン」と出ていたのに行って見ると閉っていました。 公園入り口のツーリストインフォメーションも13時から開くと書かれていて何人か待っていましたが、結局開かず。まあ、こういうことはよくあります。
A cafe in the park. It was displayed with "Open" at the entrance of the park and a signboard on the way, but it was closed. It was written that a tourist information office opened at 13:00 and some people were waiting, however it did not open after all. That's common in Europe. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:58 |
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Though there was a big rose garden, I passed through it because flowers di not come out. I finished a walk and was going back to Brussels. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 4:59 |
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I got out from the forest, went through the chateau and headed for the station. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 5:00 |
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It seems that all garbage cans of this town have this shape. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 5:00 |
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I returned to the Natioanl railway station. |
アンギャン公園 Parc d'Enghien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 5:04 |
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Truely there was no people. No one was at the station as well. |
ブリュッセル中央駅 Brussels Central Station Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 5:05 |
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I returned to the central station. |
ブリュッセル中央駅 Brussels Central Station Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 5:07 |
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It's a ticket window. I don't visit there because I usually use a ticket-vending machine. There is a departure guide on it. Today's condition is very good because only one train is delay (Red display). Usually most of them is red. |
ブリュッセル中央駅 Brussels Central Station Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 5:08 |
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I decided to have a light meal because all restaurants and cafe were closed. I got out from this exit and headed for Grand Place. |
ブリュッセル中央駅 Brussels Central Station Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 5:08 |
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The view of "Central Station" from the square in front of the sattion. |
ル・パン・コテディアン Le Pain Quotidien Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 5:10 |
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Soupe du jour. When I want to have a light meal, the set of soup and bread is best. |
ブリュッセル Brussels Junko 2018年10月30日(火) 5:11 |
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I was going home after I ate a soup and bread. It was a small trip of the half day. |