前日に続いてアカデミックな一日ツアー。 お友だちに会いに「ケンブリッジ」へ。
It's an academic one day tour following the previous day. I cema to "Cambridge" to see a friend. |
ローマ・カソリック教会 Our Lady and the English Martyrs Junko 2018年11月10日(土) 8:02 |
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The purpose of the visit was seeing a friend and the college tour. She picked me up at the station and we walked to a college. It is a big church located on the way. It was built between 1885 and 1890. |
ローマ・カソリック教会 Our Lady and the English Martyrs Junko 2018年11月11日(日) 6:43 |
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It is one of the largest Catholic churches in the United Kingdom. The church houses a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is believed to date from at least the 15th century. |
聖アンドリュース通バプテスト教会 St Andrews Street Baptist Church Junko 2018年11月11日(日) 6:56 |
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It's a stone church. The original church was completed in 1761, but the current building was builtin 1903. |
ケンブリッジ Cambridge Junko 2018年11月11日(日) 6:57 |
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There is a nice atmosphere in the town. It seems to be smart. |
クライスツ・カレッジ Christ's College Junko 2018年11月11日(日) 23:41 |
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Christ's College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge. The college was founded in 1437. Charles Darwin, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution, studied here. |
クライスツ・カレッジ Christ's College Junko 2018年11月11日(日) 23:46 |
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「カレッジ・ホール」 元々は16世紀初めに建てられましたが、1875年から79年にかけて修復されました。
"College hall" It, originally built at the very start of the 16th century, was restored in 1875-1879. |
クライスツ・カレッジ Christ's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 0:05 |
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Though Oxford was wonderful, Cambridge is same as it. It's The Stevenson Building, built in 1880s and extended in 1905. A cupola on the building was completed in 1950. |
クライスツ・カレッジ Christ's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 0:09 |
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The Great Gate of the college, built in the 15/16th century. I hear it's the most brilliant gate of all college's. |
シドニー・ストリート Sidney Street Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 0:32 |
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I was heading for a next college. |
キングス・カレッジ King's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 1:55 |
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It was founded in 1441 by Henry VI. The chapel, which is cosidered as the moct beautiful in the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, is famous. |
キングス・カレッジ・チャペル College Chapel Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 1:57 |
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It's grear that every colleges have a thier own chapel, isn't it ? The College Chapel, an example of late Gothic architecture, was built over a period of a hundred years (1446-1531) in three stages. |
キングス・カレッジ・チャペル College Chapel Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 2:06 |
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主祭壇にあるルーベンス「三賢人の礼拝」(1616年-1617年)。1959年に不動産長者のAlfred Ernest Allnattに世界最高額で購入され、2年後に彼はキングス・カレッジにその寄付を申し入れました。カレッジはこの「気前の良い贈り物」をチャペルに恐らく祭壇画として飾るということで受け入れました。絵は当初、教会の内陣西側の部屋に飾られていましたが、教会東側の改修が行われ1968年にそこへ移設され、現在もそこにあります。
"The Adoration of the Magi" (1616-17) painted by Peter Paul Rubens. It was bought for a world-record price in 1959 by the property millionaire Alfred Ernest Allnatt and two years later he offered it to King's College Cambridge. The college accepted "this munificent gift" with the intention of displaying the painting in the college chapel, possibly as an altarpiece. The painting was initially displayed in the college's antechapel, but the decision was taken to modify the east end of the main chapel and in 1968 it was installed there, where it now is. |
キングス・カレッジ・チャペル College Chapel Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 2:11 |
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Beautiful fan vault and dtained glasses. The world's largest fan vault was constructed between 1512 and 1515 and stained glasses date from 1515 to 1531. I hear All stained glasses were removed and evacuated during the World War II. A guide mentioned that people had a hard time like completeing a huge jigsaw puzzle after the war. |
キングス・カレッジ King's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 4:06 |
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カレッジからケム川。 この辺りのアングロ・サクソンの入植地は「グランタ橋」として知られるようになりました。中世英語によって入植地の名前は「ケンブリッジ」と変わり、グランタ川の下流地域は名前に合わせてケム川に名前が変わりました。
The view of the River Cam from the college. Anglo-Saxons's settlement around this area became known as Grantebrycge ("Granta-bridge"). By Middle English, the settlement's name had changed to "Cambridge" and the lower stretches of the Granta changed their name to match. |
ゴンヴィル・アンド・キース・カレッジ Gonville and Caius College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 4:18 |
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Graduating students pass through this "Gate of Honour" on their way to the neighbouring Senate House to receive their degrees. It was built in 1565. The Gate of Honour is only used for special occasions such as graduation. A sundial is installed on the center of the building. |
セント・ミカエル教会 St Michael's Church Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 4:41 |
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The church probably dates back to the foundation of the city of Cambridge itself, though no written records survive prior to a valuation of the living in 1217. This church is very unique. |
セント・ミカエル教会 St Michael's Church Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 4:46 |
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Substantially refurbished in 2001-2002, the church now bears the College's old name, Michaelhouse Centre, Cambridge. It serves as a lively weekday church, community centre, art gallery and a cafe. Therefore we can have a tea in the church. |
ゴンヴィル・アンド・キース・カレッジ Gonville and Caius College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 4:57 |
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The college was founded in 1348. The college is the fourth-oldest college at the University of Cambridge. Francis Crick who discovered the double spiral structure of DNA graduated this college. |
ゴンヴィル・アンド・キース・カレッジ Gonville and Caius College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 4:59 |
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チャペルの裏側にある中庭を歩きます。これは1565年に建てられた「Gonville and Caius Tree Court」です。
We walked at the courtyard located at the backside of the chapel. It's "Gonville and Caius Tree Court" built in 1565. |
ゴンヴィル・アンド・キース・カレッジ Gonville and Caius College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:00 |
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A dormitory of students. |
ゴンヴィル・アンド・キース・カレッジ Gonville and Caius College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:00 |
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These wonderful buldings reminds me of thier history. It's the interior north-east corner of Waterhouse Building built in 1884. |
パブ・イーグル The Eagle Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:03 |
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Originally opened in 1667 as the "Eagle and Child", The Eagle is said it'she oldest pub in Cambridge. We went to this old pub for lunch.
パブ・イーグル The Eagle Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:06 |
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originally the building was used as an inn. When we look at the building from the back, there is a remnant of it. |
パブ・イーグル The Eagle Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:07 |
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This pub is the place where Francis Crick and James Watson, who discovered the double spiral structure of DNA, dicussed repeatedly. Today the pub serves a special ale to commemorate the discovery, dubbed "Eagle's DNA".
パブ・イーグル The Eagle Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:08 |
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The lunch was a fish and chips and a grilled chicken with cheese. I shared them with my friend and ate them. |
ケンブリッジ Cambridge Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:13 |
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次のカレッジに移動です。 細い路地を歩いて…
We were heading for the next college. We walked on a narrow street. |
トリニティ・カレッジ Trinity College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:18 |
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The college was founded by Henry VIII in 1546. It is the largest college in either of the Oxbridge universities by number of undergraduates. Members of Trinity have won 33 Nobel Prizes out of the 116 won by members of Cambridge University, the highest number of any college at either Oxford or Cambridge. Isaac Newton who discovered the universal gravitation is one of Trinity alumni. The college was closed today. |
トリニティ・カレッジ Trinity College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:23 |
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こちらがニュートンの「リンゴの木」(の子孫)。 接木によって今も残っています。
It's a (descendant of) the original Newton's apple tree. It still survives by grafting. |
セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ St John's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:39 |
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We were heading for the next college. |
セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ St John's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:45 |
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The college was founded on 9 April 1511. The site was originally occupied by the Hospital of St John the Evangelist, probably founded around 1200. |
セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ St John's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:48 |
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We arrived. It's The Great Gate. According to popular legend, St John's College is inhabited by a number of ghosts. In 1706, four fellows exorcised some ghosts from a house opposite the college by the simple method of threatening to fire their pistols at the positions the moans and groans were coming from. |
セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ・チャペル College Chapel Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:53 |
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It was constructed between 1866 and 1869 to replace the smaller, mediaeval chapel which dated back to the 13th century. It's very beautiful chaprl which is very similar to the Church of Saint Chapelle in Paris. |
セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ St John's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 5:57 |
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「ため息橋」 ここにもありました。ヴェニスにある同名のものとはそんなに似ていませんが、元々は新橋として知られていた3番目のコートと新コートを結ぶ橋は今ため息橋としてよく知られています。ケンブリッジの最大の写真スポットでもあり、ヴィクトリア女王が「かわいく絵の様だ」として訪れたと言われています。
"The Bridge of Sighs" It is also here. Though it bears little resemblance to its namesake in Venice, the bridge connecting Third Court to New Court, originally known as New Bridge, is now commonly known as the Bridge of Sighs. It is one of the most photographed buildings in Cambridge, and was described by the visiting Queen Victoria as "so pretty and picturesque". |
セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ St John's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:15 |
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It's the gate of "New Court" nicknamed "The Wedding Cake". New Court was built between 1826 and 1831 to accommodate the college's rapidly increasing numbers of students. |
セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ St John's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:16 |
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A cloister to the gate. beautiful. |
セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ St John's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:20 |
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A dormitory of students near the River Cam. The ivy is impressive. |
セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ St John's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:25 |
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「サード・コート」。 それぞれの範囲は違った様式で建てられています。図書館は1624年に完成し、最後の部分は1669年から72年に加えられています。広いキャンパスはどこも美しい。
"Third Court" Each of its ranges was built in a different style. Following the completion of the college library in 1624, the final sides of Third Court were added between 1669 and 1672. Everywhere in the big campus is beautiful. |
セント・ジョンズ・カレッジ St John's College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:26 |
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We were heading for the next college. |
ラウンド・チャーチ Round Church Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:28 |
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The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, generally known as The Round Church was built around 1130, its shape being inspired by the rotunda in the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. It is one of the four medieval round churches still in use in England. It's the second oldest church in Cambridge. |
コーパス・クロック Corpus Clock Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:32 |
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It is a large sculptural clock at street level on the outside of the Taylor Library at Corpus Christi College. It was officially unveiled to the public on 19 September 2008 by Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking. |
クイーンズ・カレッジ Queens' College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:49 |
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Queens' is one of the oldest and the largest colleges of the university, founded in 1448. The college spans both sides of the river Cam, colloquially referred to as the "light side" and the "dark side", with "the Mathematical Bridge" connecting the two. |
クイーンズ・カレッジ Queens' College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:51 |
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「数学橋」 洗練された工学デザインで建設されていて、これが名前の由来となっています。
"Mathematical Bridge" It was built by the sophisticated engineering design and The name is derived from it. |
クイーンズ・カレッジ・チャペル College Chapel Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:53 |
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The exercise of the organ was carried out in the chapel. |
クイーンズ・カレッジ・チャペル College Chapel Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:54 |
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It's a small and beautiful chapel. It was consecrated in 1891. |
クイーンズ・カレッジ・チャペル College Chapel Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:55 |
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An altarpiece. The triptych of paintings on the altarpiece panel may have originally been part of a set of five paintings, are late-15th-century Flemish. They depict, from left to right, the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Resurrection of Jesus, and Christ's Appearance to the Disciples. |
クイーンズ・カレッジ Queens' College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:58 |
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We were heading for "The Mathematical Bridge". Only students can cross "The Bridge of Sighs", but I hear anyone can do "The Mathematical Bridge". It's Old Court built between 1448 and 1451.
クイーンズ・カレッジ Queens' College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 6:59 |
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「食堂」 イベント中で中には入れませんでした。
"Dining Room" We could not enter because an event was held. |
クイーンズ・カレッジ Queens' College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:00 |
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It's "Cloister Court" built in 1490s. We went through the courtyard of the college. |
クイーンズ・カレッジ Queens' College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:01 |
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We arrived at the cortyard of Walnut Tree Court. |
クイーンズ・カレッジ Queens' College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:33 |
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ウォルナッツ・ツリー・コート 「数学橋」へ向かいます。お友だちは「数学橋はねじや釘、ボルトやナットを一本も使わずに造られているのよー」と。
Walnut Tree Court We were heading for "The Mathematical Bridge". My friend mentioned "The Mathematical Bridge was built without the use of nuts or bolts,"
クイーンズ・カレッジ Queens' College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:36 |
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In addition, popular fable is that "The Mathematical Bridge" was designed by Sir Isaac Newton.
クイーンズ・カレッジ Queens' College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:37 |
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「数学橋」 釘もねじも使われていましたー
"The Mathematical Bridge" Nails, nuts and bolts are used. |
クイーンズ・カレッジ Queens' College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:39 |
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渡るよ−。 あるとき生徒や研究生たちが橋の分解を試みて組みなおしました。神話は続き、野心が過ぎた研究生たちはニュートンの工学的偉業に太刀打ちできずボルト、ナットで橋を組み立てるしかなかったとのことです。これは今日橋にボルト、ナットが見える理由とのことですが、この話はうそです。橋はニュートンが亡くなった22年後の1749年にオーク材で造られています。
We were crossing the bridge. At some point in the past students or fellows attempted to take the bridge apart and put it back together. The myth continues that the over-ambitious engineers were unable to match Newton's feat of engineering, and had to resort to fastening the bridge by nuts and bolts. This is why nuts and bolts can be seen in the bridge today. This story is false: the bridge was built of oak in 1749, 22 years after Newton died. |
ケンブリッジ Cambridge Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:43 |
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そろそろロンドンに戻ります。今日はブリュッセルに戻るからねー。これは1878年から79年にかけて建てられたOld Divinity schoolです。
I will return to London soon. I must go back to Brussels today. It's the Old Divinity school built in 1878-1879. |
ケンブリッジ Cambridge Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:43 |
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I was heading for the station. It takes about 15 minutes on foot from the area where colleges gathers to the station. |
セント・メアリーズ教会 Church of St Mary the Great Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:46 |
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It is the university church for the University of Cambridge. The present building was constructed between 1478 and 1519, with the tower finished later, in 1608. The church was restored in 1766, 1850-51 and 1857. There has been some more restoration work during the 20th century.A Market was held at the square in front of the church. |
イマニュエル・カレッジ Emmanuel College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:48 |
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The college was founded in 1584. Richard Attenborough graduated from this college. I found this college on the way and took a photo from the entrance. |
コーパス・クリスティ・カレッジ Corpus Christi College Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:49 |
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1352年に設立されました。ケンブリッジ大学は31のカレッジで構成されています。 久しぶりにお友だちに会って一日楽しかったです。パーフェクトなご案内、ありがとうございました。
It was established in 1352. University of Cambridgeincludes 31 constituent Colleges. I saw a friend after a long absence and it was fun whole day. Thank you for a perfect guide. |
セント・パンクラス駅 St Pancras Station Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:56 |
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I arrived at "St Pancras Station". |
セント・パンクラス駅 St Pancras Station Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 7:58 |
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The weather of London is better than Cmbridge's. A clock tower shines in a blue sky. |
セント・パンクラス駅 St Pancras Station Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 8:00 |
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駅には9メートルの高さ、20tの重さの巨大な銅像があります。イギリスの彫刻家、ポール・デイ(Paul Day)が製作し2007年に公開された「待ち合わせ場所」です。
There is a 9-metre (30 ft) high, 20-tonne bronze huge statue at the station. "The Meeting Place", designed by British artist Paul Day and revealed in 2007. |
セント・パンクラス駅 St Pancras Station Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 8:02 |
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ブリュッセルに帰るよ。 楽しい4日間でした。
I was going back to Brussels. That was a very fun 4 days. |
おまけ Bonus Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 8:04 |
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「アラン・デュカス」のおみやげ。 ごままんじゅうみたい。
A souvenir of "Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester". It looks like a sesame bun. |
おまけ Bonus Junko 2018年11月12日(月) 8:07 |
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お友だちが送ってくれました。 お世話になりました。ありがとー
My friend sent it to me. I really appreciate your kindness. |