
修正キー (英数8文字以内)
 2018.09.17 オックスフォード Oxford Junko  2018年11月7日(水) 4:39

I visited "Oxford" where I wanted to go for a long time.
It takes 1 hour by train from London. Though I was impatient because I was afraid I did't make it for the time of the tour due to the train delay, I somehow made it in time for that.

 ベリオール・カレッジ Balliol College Junko  2018年11月7日(水) 4:43 修正

The guided tour is low in price because a student of the University of Oxford guides it. You can find a free tour if you only want to walk around in the town. A good-looking male student who studied philosophy was a guide. I went to "Balliol College" firstly.

 ベリオール・カレッジ Balliol College Junko  2018年11月7日(水) 4:59 修正

Masako, Crown Princess of Japan, was studying abroad here.
Even the guide didn't know this bits of knowledge.

 ベリオール・カレッジ Balliol College Junko  2018年11月7日(水) 5:08 修正

"Dining Hall"
Balliol College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford. One of Oxford's oldest colleges, it was founded in around 1263.

 ベリオール・カレッジ Balliol College Junko  2018年11月7日(水) 5:17 修正
学生ガイドさんなので、学校生活を話してくれてとても楽しかったです。カレッジの同窓生には3人の首相(ハーバート・ヘンリー・アスキス、ハロルド・マクミラン、エドワード・ヒース)、ハーラル5世 (ノルウェー王)、5人のノーベル賞受賞者、アダム・スミスを含む多くの文学者や哲学者がいます。

A guide was a student, so he talked about a student life and it was fun. Among the college's alumni are three former prime ministers (H. H. Asquith, Harold Macmillan, and Edward Heath), Harald V of Norway, five Nobel laureates, and numerous literary and philosophical figures, including Adam Smith.

 ラドクリフ・カメラ Radcliffe Camera Junko  2018年11月7日(水) 5:21 修正

The weather is getting to be fine.
"The Radcliffe Camera (Camera, meaning "room" in Latin)" was built in 1737-49 to house the Radcliffe Science Library.

 シェルドニアン・シアター Sheldonian Theatre Junko  2018年11月7日(水) 6:43 修正

It was built from 1664 to 1669. It is used for music concerts, lectures and University ceremonies, but not for drama until 2015 when the Christ Church Dramatic Society staged a production of The Crucible by Arthur Miller.

 ポドリアン図書館 Bodleian Library Junko  2018年11月7日(水) 6:55 修正

It is the main research library of the University of Oxford, established in 1602, and is one of the oldest libraries in Europe. With over 12 million items, it is the second-largest library in Britain after the British Library. I was not able to buy a ticket. When I do at random, such a problem often happens.

 Martyrs Memorial Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 4:20 修正
1時からのツアーの後、ランチへ。なにも調べていなくてどこに行こうかと歩いているところです。「Martyrs Memorial」の横にあるお墓。

I went for lunch after the tour of 1 o'clock. I didn't have any plan, so I was wondering where to go. A cemetery at the side of "Martyrs Memorial".

 Martyrs Memorial Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 4:21 修正

Martyrs Memorial is this tower. It commemorates the 16th-century Oxford Martyrs. The monument was completed in 1843 and deteriorated during the 20th century, but underwent a full restoration in 2003.

 マクドナルド・ランドルフ・ホテル Macdonald Randolph Hotel Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 4:22 修正

My destination is this old hotel in Gothic style, opened in 1866, located next to the monument. I will have an afternoon tea here instead of lunch.

 マクドナルド・ランドルフ・ホテル Macdonald Randolph Hotel Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 4:24 修正

I had an afternoon tea in a gorgeous atmosphere.
I was relaxed at a sofe.

 アシュモレアン博物館 Ashmolean Museum Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 4:31 修正

The museum is located at the opposite side of the hotel. It is the world's first university museum. Its first building was erected in 1678-83 to house the cabinet of curiosities that Elias Ashmole, English antiquary, politician and officer of arms, gave to the University of Oxford in 1677. The present building was erected 1841-45. The museum reopened in 2009 after a major redevelopment. My purpose of this time was the college tour, so I didn't visit there.

 オックスフォード Oxford Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 4:42 修正

I began the college tour again after having an afternoon tea.

 カーファックス塔 Carfax Tower Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 4:45 修正

St Martin's Tower, popularly called "Carfax Tower", was the west tower of the St Martin's Church built in 1032. Today it is used as a clock tower. The clock's current dial and surroundings were installed in 1898. In 1938-39 the clock mechanism was replaced with an electric one.

 オックスフォード市庁舎 Oxford Town Hall Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 4:57 修正

It's a beautiful Victorian building, completed in 1897.

 クライスト・チャーチ・カレッジ Christ Church College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 5:13 修正

It is a constituent college of the University of Oxford. Founded in 1546 by King Henry VIII, it is one of the largest colleges of the University of Oxford with 629 students in 2016.

 クライスト・チャーチ・カレッジ Christ Church College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 5:16 修正

"Christ Church Meadow"
It is a well-known flood-meadow, and popular walking and picnic spot in Oxford.

 クライスト・チャーチ・カレッジ Christ Church College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 5:18 修正

"Christ Church Meadow"
It's very large green belt. It is owned by Christ Church, and is thus the private property of the college, however access is allowed during the day.

 クライスト・チャーチ・カレッジ Christ Church College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 5:59 修正

"Great Quadrangle"
The Great Quadrangle, more popularly known as Tom Quad, is one of the quadrangles of Christ Church. The central bell tower is called "Tom Tower", named for its bell, Great Tom. It was built in 1681-82. Albert Einstein was a learned research fellow.

 クライスト・チャーチ・カレッジ Christ Church College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:00 修正

"Christ Church Cathedral"
The cathedral was originally the church of St Frideswide's Priory, built in 1160-1200. There has been a choir at the cathedral since 1526. Christ Church Cathedral is one of the smallest cathedrals in the Church of England. The church of each college is one of the highlights.

 クライスト・チャーチ・カレッジ Christ Church College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:03 修正

It is not only one of the biggest college in Oxford university, but the second wealthiest one (after St John's) with an endowment of £501m as of 2017. That's amazing.

 クライスト・チャーチ・カレッジ Christ Church College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:04 修正

It has many notable alumni including thirteen British prime ministers (more than any other Oxbridge college, Anthony Eden (Prime Minister 1955-1957), William Ewart Gladstone (1828-1831), Sir Robert Peel (1841-1846) and so on), King Edward VII, King William II of the Netherlands, seventeen Archbishops, writers Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland), philosopher John Locke.

 マートン・カレッジ Merton College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:08 修正

I was going to "Merton College" where Naruhito, Crown Prince of Japan studied in. It was founded in 1264.

 マートン・カレッジ Merton College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:11 修正

I asked "this college was the one where Japanese prince had studied in, isn't it ?" before I got in. Though "Christ church collegae" was crowded with tourists, no one is here. Very quiet college. It's the front quad, view opposite the chapel.

 マートン・カレッジ Merton College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:13 修正

"Merton College Chapel"
The chapel was simple, too. The construction of the current chapel began in about 1290. The present choir with its enormous east window was complete by 1294.

 マートン・カレッジ Merton College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:14 修正

"Merton College Chapel"
The south transept was built in the 14th century, the north transept in the early years of the 15th century. The great tower was complete by 1450. Naruhito studied here for 2 years.

 マートン・カレッジ Merton College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:16 修正

It seemed to be achieve the purpose I came here.

 セント・メアリー教会 University Church of St Mary the Virgin Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:20 修正

The original church was established in the 11th century. In the later 15th and early 16th century the main body of the church was substantially rebuilt in the Perpendicular style, but the oldest part of the present church is the tower, which dates from around 1270. The Decorated spire with its triple-gabled outer pinnacles, inner pinnacles, gargoyles and statues was added in the 1320s. Only one of the twelve statues is original, the others were erected around 1894. I glanced at the interior of the church.

 セント・メアリー教会 University Church of St Mary the Virgin Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:22 修正

I saw the door of which tourist took a photo. This elaborate wooden door, marked in the center by the face of a wise lion, is the "Narnia Door," said to have inspired C.S. Lewis's wardrobe door that the Pevensie children walked through in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” Having been a tutor at the nearby Magdalen College, C.S. Lewis would have passed that door regularly.

 ラドクリフ・カメラ Radcliffe Camera Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:25 修正

I returned to "Radcliffe Camera".

 ため息橋 Bridge of Sighs Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:31 修正

"Hertford Bridge" is its official name. The bridge is often referred to as the Bridge of Sighs because of its supposed similarity to the famous Bridge of Sighs in Venice. However, Hertford Bridge was never intended to be a replica of the Venetian bridge, and instead it bears a closer resemblance to the Rialto Bridge in the same city. There is a false legend saying that many decades ago, a survey of the health of students was taken, and as Hertford College's students were the heaviest, the college closed off the bridge to force them to take the stairs, giving them extra exercise. However, if the bridge is not used, the students actually climb fewer stairs than if they do use the bridge.

 ポドリアン図書館 Bodleian Library Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:32 修正
図書館の中庭を通り抜けます。これはウィリアム・ハーバート (第3代ペンブルック伯爵)の像です。彼は1616年から30年まで大学の学長でした

I went through the courtyard of the liblary. It's a statue of William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke. He was chancellor of the university of Oxford between 1616 and 1630.

 ブラックウェル Blackwell's Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:39 修正

It is a British academic book retailer in oxford. The company was founded in 1879 and the flagship shop was originally only twelve feet square but in 1966, it expanded under part of Trinity College. According to a studenr guide, it boasts 5km of shelving and at 930 m2 merited an entry in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest single room selling books.

 トリニティ・カレッジ Trinity College Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:41 修正

The college was founded in 1555. I only took a photo of the appearance because it didn't open to the public. Blackwell's reached at the underground of this college.

 オックスフォード Oxford Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:44 修正

I returned to the street where I had joined the guided tour.

 オックスフォード Oxford Junko  2018年11月9日(金) 6:45 修正

"Martyr's cross"
Three Protestant martyrs were burnt at the stake here in 1555.

 オックスフォード Oxford Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 2:30 修正

I headed for the station to go home, but i rememberd that I had to go to "Alice's shop" on the way.

 オックスフォード Oxford Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 2:39 修正

Though it became detouring a little, I decided to go there because "Lewis Carroll" graduated from the university of Oxford.

 アリス・ショップ Alice's Shop Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 2:40 修正

It was a lovely shop. I didn't buy anything after all.

 ジーザス・カレッジ Jesus College Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 2:49 修正

I passed in front of the college which still opened on the way, si Idropped at there. It was founded in 1571.

 ジーザス・カレッジ Jesus College Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 2:59 修正

"Second quadrangle"
It is a very small and quiet college. The construction began ib 1640. However further work was interrupted by the English Civil War. Work began again in 1676, and the library was completed by 1679.

 ジーザス・カレッジ Jesus College Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 3:12 修正

Staffs were preparing dinner at the hall. I was allowed to enter, so i got in there. Portraits of the related people to the college were displayed on the wall of the hall. A lady of the big painting hanging on the center of the front wall is the college's founder, "Queen Elizabeth I".

 ジーザス・カレッジ Jesus College Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 3:16 修正

"T. E. Lawrence", famous as "Lawrence of Arabia", is a graduate here.

 オックスフォード Oxford Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 3:21 修正

I was going back to London.

 オックスフォード城 Oxford Castle Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 3:22 修正

There is "Oxford Castle" on the way to the station.
Most of the original moated, wooden motte and bailey castle was replaced in stone in the late 12th or early 13th century and the castle played an important role in the conflict of the Anarchy. In the 14th century the military value of the castle diminished and the site became used primarily for county administration and as a prison. Most of the castle was destroyed in the English Civil War and by the 18th century the remaining buildings had become Oxford's local prison. The prison closed in 1996 and was redeveloped as a hotel.

 リージェント・ストリート Regent Street Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 3:24 修正

When we look at it from "Piccadilly Circus", it's a wonderful street drawing an arc.

 リージェント・ストリート Regent Street Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 3:28 修正

The biggest "Burberry" shop in the world is located on the street. It houses "Thomas's cafe" where I visited before. However I did not come here today.

 ☆Veeraswamy Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 3:34 修正

I visited an Indian cuisine restaurant with Michelin 1-star located on the street. It's an old restaurant established in 1926. I enjoyed it.

 ピカデリー・サーカス Piccadilly Circus Junko  2018年11月10日(土) 3:34 修正

When I finished a dinner, it was already night.
It was a nice day.
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