
修正キー (英数8文字以内)
 2018.08.12-18 カナリア諸島 Canary Islands Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:02

We went to Canary Islands during summer vacation.
Such a stylish car was displayed at Brussel airport.

 ブリュッセル空港 Brussels Airport Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:02 修正

This car did not lose.

 ブリュッセル空港・レクサスラウンジ Lexus Lounge in Brussels Airport Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:03 修正

Lexus lounge was completed.
A bicycle was quite normal.

 ブリュッセル空港・レクサスラウンジ Lexus Lounge in Brussels Airport Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:04 修正

The meal which is prepared for was quite normal as well.

 ブリュッセル空港・レクサスラウンジ Lexus Lounge in Brussels Airport Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:05 修正

We can feel relaxed because there are few people.

 ブリュッセル空港・レクサスラウンジ Lexus Lounge in Brussels Airport Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:19 修正

We had a breakfast here and were going to board soon.

 レッド・デビルズ Red Devils Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:21 修正

"Red Davils" plane of Brussels Airline.
We arrived at Canary islands by it.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:43 修正

We are staying a hotel with interest, Hard Rock Hotel this time.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:46 修正

We arrived.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:54 修正

Our eoom. The appearance was stylish, but there was no wall between a bedroom and a wash stand. I was afraid water splashed on the bed when we washed a face.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:55 修正

A terrace. It looks out on the sea and we can see mountains as well because our room is a one in the corner of the building..

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 3:56 修正

When we looked down, there was a pool.
The hotel houses 3 pools.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 4:28 修正

These are pick up vehicles for VIP.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 4:29 修正

We decided to go to a pool because it was a day without plan.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 4:30 修正

It's the newest pool in three of them.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 5:04 修正

It's a beach cushion which contains microbeads. It's very comfortable and we can sleep like a log on it.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 5:05 修正

There is a small beach.
It was too cool to get in the sea in the evening.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 5:06 修正

having beer and taking a nap at the poolside are the best at such times.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月6日(木) 5:07 修正

The building of the hotel are decorated by colour lights in the night. It was very colourful. And the hotel had rock music at a very loud volume playing. As is expected, it's Hard Rock Hotel.

 2018.08.13 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 5:29 修正

During the trip, today is the only day when we have the plan. We went for breakfast first thing in the morning.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 5:32 修正

We showed a slight excitement for breakfast because we ususally book a hotel without a breakfast.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 5:33 修正

Many kinds of dishes excited us on the first day.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 5:35 修正

However we got tired of same breakfast one week later.
We were going to the national park and get on a cable car after a breakfast. We had to go just after a breakfast because we booked it.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 5:52 修正

It was not bad blue weather. It was magnificent scenery.
We were looking forward to getting on a cable car, but the start of cable car operation was overdue due to a bad weather of the top when we arrived.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 5:54 修正

Posts of the cable car are seen on the left side. Though it seemed to be a fine weather, "Delay" display was still indicated on the schedule screen.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 6:01 修正

Many people were waiting for the start of the operation. But we decided to give up and called the ticket agency to ask refund. We would receive refund and booked another day's ticket. We hoped it would be fine on that day.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 6:03 修正

We walked a promenade around the parador called "Las Canadas del Teide" located in the park.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 6:06 修正

We know well that this land is made of the lava which flowed. All neighborhood was sucha scenery. Very powerful.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 6:08 修正

When we took a rest in the middle of the promenade, large drops of rain began to fall. We evacuated to the parador hastily.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 6:10 修正

We decided to go back to the hotel because the clouds were thickening.

 リッツ・カールトン Ritz-Carlton Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 6:11 修正

We came back to the hotel and were relaxed at the pool. After that, we went to the Ritz-Carlton hotel for dinner.

 リッツ・カールトン Ritz-Carlton Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 6:12 修正

It has a calm atomosphere, different from Hard Rock hotel. It seems to be a hotel for adult.

 リッツ・カールトン Ritz-Carlton Junko  2018年9月7日(金) 6:13 修正

The site is large and houses a golf course.

 2018.08.14 カナリア諸島 Canary Islands Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:20 修正

The Third day. It's fine.
We were going to go for whale watching.

 ホエールウォッチング Whale Watching Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:28 修正

We arrived at a harbor.
A tour company staff mentioned that the sea was flat calm and it was the most suitable day for whale watching.

 ホエールウォッチング Whale Watching Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:31 修正

Water is very beautiful.
According to the joint investigation by an university and the nation, 27 families of whales live around here.

 ホエールウォッチング Whale Watching Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:31 修正


 ホエールウォッチング Whale Watching Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:35 修正

When we left a harbor, the sea was running high, so I got seasick completely. Who mentioned the sea was calm flat ? We could see a family of whales and dolphins, but could not take nice photos acsolutely.

 ホエールウォッチング Whale Watching Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:36 修正

The captain made a effort to come to the area where we could see the hotel, following a figure of the whale. However my seasickness was hard.

 ホエールウォッチング Whale Watching Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:37 修正

Though a scenery was great, my seasickness was hard.

 ホエールウォッチング Whale Watching Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:37 修正

We have returned to the harbor.

 ホエールウォッチング Whale Watching Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:38 修正

Drink and snacks were served on the boat, but I was not able to eat anything due to a sea sickness.

 カナリア諸島 Canary Islands Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:40 修正

We came back to the hotel and took a rest at the room. I got better anyhow. It's the mountain side scenery which is seen from the room.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:41 修正

When we took a shower to wash seawater, we didn't want to go outside for dinner. We used room survice for dinner. We order it using a television in the room.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:42 修正

He needed to drink a bottle of cava.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:43 修正

Raw Iberico ham and so on. Though they were starters, it was a large volume.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月8日(土) 5:43 修正

Pizza and chicken salad.
We were relaxed at the room.

 2018.08.15 グイマーのピラミッド Pyramids of Guimar Junko  2018年9月10日(月) 4:04 修正

We came here to see Pyramids located in Canary islands today. Currently it is said the structures have been dated to the 19th century CE and they may originally have been a byproduct of contemporary agricultural techniques.

 グイマーのピラミッド Pyramids of Guimar Junko  2018年9月10日(月) 4:19 修正
1990年、コンチキ号の航海で有名なノルウェーの探険家で作家のトール・ ヘイエルダールが新聞記事で「カナリアのピラミッド」を知りエジプトと中央アメリカの間に大西洋を挟んだ繋がりがあると仮説を立てました。彼はカナリア諸島のピラミッドが古代エジプトとマヤ文明の間の航海における時間的・地理的な中継点だという仮説も立てました。

In 1990, Norwegian adventurer and publisher, Thor Heyerdahl, who is famous for Kon-Tiki expedition, became aware of the "Canarian Pyramids" by an article of the newspaper and had hypothesized a transatlantic link between Egypt and Central America. He hypothesised that the Canarian pyramids formed a temporal and geographic stopping point on voyages between ancient Egypt and the Maya civilization

 グイマーのピラミッド Pyramids of Guimar Junko  2018年9月10日(月) 4:21 修正

Though we can't climb on or close to pyramids due to its protection, there is a walk way around it and we can go around it and see it from there. In 1991, an astronomical research was done. According to it, the main limiting wall points to the sunset in the Summer solstice and the pyramids have stairs on their western side which face the direction of the rising sun on the Winter solstice. However, considering the room for interpretation, it is impossible based solely on these observations to conclude what was the intention of the builders or the building date.

 グイマーのピラミッド Pyramids of Guimar Junko  2018年9月10日(月) 4:25 修正

The site houses a museum, an information centre and a botanic garden. Between 1991 and 1998, with the agreement of Thor Heyerdahl, multiple excavations of the site by archaeologists took place. In 1996 the results of the 1991 excavation were presented at a colloquium, providing evidence for the dating of the pyramids.

 グイマーのピラミッド Pyramids of Guimar Junko  2018年9月10日(月) 4:27 修正

It was too hot because there was no shades on the walk way. The excavations and subsequent research support a date for the construction of the structures no earlier than the 19th century. It is considered that farmers in the 19th century created these structures while clearing cultivatable land of stones, as they piled the stones into these terrace shapes.

 グイマーのピラミッド Pyramids of Guimar Junko  2018年9月10日(月) 5:12 修正

We went around the park. Heyerdahl maintained a belief in the hypothesis that the pyramids were connected with Guanches until his death. The association of the Guanches and the pyramids continues to be elaborated upon both in "Pyramid park" and on its official website.

 グイマーのピラミッド Pyramids of Guimar Junko  2018年9月10日(月) 5:14 修正

The park is located at the higher place than the town and mountains are seen near from the park. Other pyramids employing the same methods and materials of construction can be found in various sites on Tenerife. In Guimar itself there were nine pyramids, only six of which survive.

 グイマーのピラミッド Pyramids of Guimar Junko  2018年9月10日(月) 5:15 修正

A lizard was eating the cactus

 グイマーのピラミッド Pyramids of Guimar Junko  2018年9月10日(月) 5:16 修正

There is such a signboard at the entrance of the park because there are a lot of lizards here and there.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月10日(月) 5:43 修正

We came to the town of "San Cristobal de La Laguna", The World heritage site after a visit of pyramids. We didn't know where we should visit because we came here without any plans, only being attracted by the information of the world heritage site. Firstly we decided to loom for tourist information centre. The street was lined with colourful buildings like Spain.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月11日(火) 5:14 修正

"Catedral de Nuestra Senora de los Remedios"
The original building was built in 1511. The current building was constructed between 1904 and 1915 and is in the Neo-Gothic style. In 2002 the cathedral was closed to worship for a meticulous restoration and the doors were reopened on 25 January 2014.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 4:10 修正

Firstly we have to find a tourist information centre. I hear it is located at the edge of this street.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 4:10 修正

We went through in the front of the "Leal Theatre" on the way. It was built in the 20th century.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 4:16 修正

We walked to the end of the street, but could not find a tourist information centre. I asked a madamn of an ice cream shop and her reply was that it didn't exsist now. Probably it was moved to another place.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 4:26 修正

"Iglesia de la Concepcion"
It was built in 1511.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:02 修正

"Plaza del Adelantado"
The central marble fountain is erected in 1870.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:04 修正

"Plaza del Adelantado"
Interesting shaped trees surround the square.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:05 修正

When we saw a mountain from "Plaza del Adelantado", clourful houses sttos in a line. They were suiyable for the area which was full of sunlight.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:07 修正

"Palacio de Lercario"
It was built in 1593. Nowadays, the Lercaro Palace houses the Museum of History and Anthropology of Tenerife.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:14 修正

"The church and convent of Santa Catalina de Siena"
This convent was founded in 1611 for the Dominican Order.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:16 修正

A colourful townscape in colonial style.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:17 修正

Siesta began and almost shops were closed. Only tourists walked in the town.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:18 修正

A restaurant of the wonderful building opened and we took a rest there. It's "Casino de la Laguna".

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:19 修正

There was a cold tomato soup in the menu and we had it.
A fresh tomato had a good taste. Amazing.

 世界遺産・サン・クリストバル・デ・ラグーナ World Heritage Site/San Cristobal de La Laguna Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:21 修正

We walked on the street where nobody walked and went back to the parking lot.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:49 修正

"Tenerife" has the road which lies to the east and west in the natioanal park. We went to the east from the hotel and drove the road along the sea to go "San Cristobal de La Laguna". When we returned, we went through the national park to go back to the hotel.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:49 修正

The road in this neighborhood is full of green.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:50 修正

Rocks were increasing little by little.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:52 修正

Oh! Mount Teide!
Mount Teide which had not been seen on 13th was coming into our sight.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:54 修正

There are a lot of photo spots along the road in the natioanl park and visitors park thier car, took photos. Of course, me too. Not only Mount Teide, but also a town of the foot of the mountain and the sea look beautiful. It's a superb view.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:58 修正

High trees disappeared in this neighborhood.
Mount Fuji's ridge line is very beutiful and Mount Teide as well.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 5:59 修正

White buildings are astronomical observatories.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月12日(水) 6:00 修正

I felt like I was on Mars, though I had been there. It was full of rocks.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:25 修正

Similar pictures continues fron here. Please be patient. It was fine day and a scenery was wonderful truely.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:27 修正

I took photos at photo spots and drove in the national park further.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:31 修正

We parked a car and walked on a promenade.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:33 修正

I could take a same photo as a picture postcard.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:42 修正

Though we walked at a same place on 13th, the impression was totally different.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:48 修正

We enjoyed magnificent views.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:50 修正

We were heading for the hotel by car.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:52 修正

There were a lot of rocks made of solid lava (I think).

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:54 修正

We hope the day when we book a cable car will be fine like today.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:55 修正

We came down considerably. We could see Mount Teide in the distance from here.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:58 修正

Though we did in a haphazard way, it was an amazing day. We used room survice for dinner today, too because we didn't book a restaurant. We ordered only 2 dishes because previous order was too much. A lasagna. It was delivered in hot.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 4:59 修正

Deep fried chicken.
It was just a nice amount today.

 2018.08.16 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 6:19 修正

Since we came here without a specific plan, the place which we happen to hear on the day before becomes important. We decide to go to "Masca valley" today. When we left the hotel, the weather was not good with fog. The fog got deeper and we talked that we went back after we passed a tunnnel. However when we passed it, we saw this wonderful blue sky. Mount Teide was seen in the distance.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 6:21 修正

We were suprised with a difference of the weather because it was a small island. We were crossing the mountain to head for a valley.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 6:23 修正

A view of "Masca valley" from the observatory near the top of the mountain. Clouds were rising up. The sea was seen over the mountains, but it overlapped with the blue of the sky and it was difficult to see it in the photo.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 6:24 修正

The way to the valley.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月14日(金) 6:26 修正

A white line attached to the mountain skin was the way to "Masca".

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月15日(土) 5:39 修正

We were going to "Masca" on the valley.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月15日(土) 5:42 修正

When we saw a way to the village, tour buses struggled to pass each other. We waited for buses to pass by at waiting spaces here and there on the road.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月15日(土) 5:43 修正

The village which was seen on the valley is "Masca".

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月20日(木) 6:07 修正
狭い駐車場に車を停めて村まで下って、「マスカ村」に到着です。これは「Jose Perez Gonzalez」の胸像ですが、彼が誰かは知りません。

We parked a car at a narrow parking lot and walked down to "Masca". We arrived there. It's a bust of "Jose Perez Gonzalez", but we don't know who he is.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月20日(木) 6:08 修正

A small church of "Masca".

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月20日(木) 6:11 修正

We looked up from "Masca" at the valley, we could see houses which attached to the slope of the mountain.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月20日(木) 6:14 修正

There is a promenade to a sharp rock. We were going to there.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月20日(木) 6:16 修正

Very powerful. There is a private house at the foot of the rock. Though they can see a great view every day, it seems to be difficult to live on.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月20日(木) 6:18 修正

We saw a scenery while we were taking a rest with a cold drink at a cafe. We returned to the parking lot.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月20日(木) 6:20 修正

When we went to "Masca", we got down at a stretch in stairs. However we used a gentle slope when we returned a parking lot.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月20日(木) 6:23 修正

We can see magnificent views from anywhere. There is a road from the village to the sea and it's a trekking course of 4 hours. However it means it takes 8 hours on foot because we must return to take a car. Impossible.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月20日(木) 6:24 修正

We had to say a farewell to "Masca" here.

 マスカ渓谷 Masca Valley Junko  2018年9月20日(木) 6:25 修正

We returned the way we came by car. The sea was seen between rock mountains.

 サンティアゴデルテイデ Santiago del Teide Junko  2018年9月21日(金) 6:25 修正

It's a small village at the entrance of "Masca valley".
Firstly it's a town hall.

 サンティアゴデルテイデ Santiago del Teide Junko  2018年9月21日(金) 6:26 修正

The view of the interior og the town hall. We were not sure if we could enter there and dropped just after we took a photo.

 サンティアゴデルテイデ Santiago del Teide Junko  2018年9月21日(金) 6:27 修正
もちろん村の中心は教会です。これは「Iglesia de San Fernando Rey」です。元々は1679年に建てられ、それ以来数度にわたって修復されています。

Of course the center of the village si a church. It's "Iglesia de San Fernando Rey". Originally built in 1679, it has since been restored several times.

 サンティアゴデルテイデ Santiago del Teide Junko  2018年9月21日(金) 6:27 修正

We took a light tour of the interior.

 サンティアゴデルテイデ Santiago del Teide Junko  2018年9月21日(金) 6:28 修正

We took a walk a little in the village. A white house in the blue sky was very beautiful.

 テネリフェ・パール Tenerife Pearl Junko  2018年9月21日(金) 6:29 修正

We dropped at a pearl shop on the way to the hotel.

 テネリフェ・パール Tenerife Pearl Junko  2018年9月21日(金) 6:31 修正

And I had him buy them.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月21日(金) 6:32 修正

We went through a tunnel and returned to the hotel. When we passed a tunnel, it was also a cloudy sky. The blue sky until a while seemed to be a lie.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月21日(金) 6:33 修正

Only one group was on the beach.

 2018.08.17 ヌエストラ・セニョーラ・デ・ラ・カンデラリア教会 Basilica of the Royal Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria  Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:13 修正
午前中は「ヌエストラ・セニョーラ・デ・ラ・カンデラリア教会 」へ。

Today we were going to a cable car of Mount Teide again in the afternoon. We visited "The Basilica of the Royal Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria" in the morning.

 ヌエストラ・セニョーラ・デ・ラ・カンデラリア教会 Basilica of the Royal Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:15 修正

When we got off the highway and headed for the town. The church was coming into our sight. The basilica is dedicated to the Virgin of Candelaria. The Virgin of Candelaria is a black Madonna.

 ヌエストラ・セニョーラ・デ・ラ・カンデラリア教会 Basilica of the Royal Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:16 修正

We found a parking lot on the hill finally and parked a car there because a nearby one was full. We were walking in the town and heading for a church.

 ヌエストラ・セニョーラ・デ・ラ・カンデラリア教会 Basilica of the Royal Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:27 修正

Finally we arrived at the church. The present basilica was built over an old church that was destroyed by fire in 1789. However, the actual construction of the temple was postponed several times for various reasons: the economic crisis of 1931 following the proclamation of the Second Republic and later by World War II and the Spanish Civil War.

 ヌエストラ・セニョーラ・デ・ラ・カンデラリア教会 Basilica of the Royal Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:31 修正

We entered immediately. Finally, on February 1, 1959, the basilica was consecrated in a large religious ceremony.

 ヌエストラ・セニョーラ・デ・ラ・カンデラリア教会 Basilica of the Royal Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:48 修正

"The Virgin of Candelaria" is Patron of the Canary Islands.
The original statue was lost by a storm in 1826. The current one is a replica.

 ヌエストラ・セニョーラ・デ・ラ・カンデラリア教会 Basilica of the Royal Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:50 修正

The view of the basilica from Basilica square.

 バジリカ広場 Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:52 修正

Such statues stood side by side. They are bronze statues of the nine kings who ruled the nine aboriginal Guanche menceyatos, the pre-Castillian kingdoms of Tenerife. The menceyato statues were inaugurated on August 13, 1993.

 バジリカ広場 Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:53 修正

The cave of Achbinico is located on the coast, just behind the basilica of Our Lady of Candelaria. According to the legend, one evening in 1390, two natives leading their cattle, saw some goats refusing to come to the mouth of the ravine. They found, on a rock, the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria there. It was initially taken to the cave of Chinguaro. The Guanches moved her to there in 1446, and from then on it was venerated there.

 バジリカ広場 Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:53 修正

In 1526, on February 2, the Virgin was translated from the cave to its new chapel built on the place where the current basilica is. Inside the cave is a bronze replica of the Virgin of Candelaria. Her statue is most venerated on the island, and has turned the cave into the most important pilgrimage centre in the Canaries for the past 5 centuries. It is still visited by pilgrims, who commonly take and leave flushed candles and do requests to the Virgin.

 バジリカ広場 Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 3:59 修正

The town was seen from the front of the cave. We were going to take a walk in the town from now on.

 バジリカ広場 Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:00 修正

There were a lot of crabs on rocks of the beach. They were quite big.

 バジリカ広場 Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:01 修正

We came back to the basilica.

 カンデラリア Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:03 修正
「Calle Obispo Perez Caceres」を歩きました。街のショッピング街です。

We walked "Calle Obispo Perez Caceres". It is the shopping street of the town.

 カンデラリア Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:04 修正

We arrived at a very colourful square. We headed for the sea from here.

 カンデラリア Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:05 修正

When we reached the sea, "Basilica of the Royal Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria" was seen.

 カンデラリア Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:09 修正

There was a chiar on the rock overhunging the sea.

 カンデラリア Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:10 修正

He was thinking that the summer vacation was 2 more days, he didn't want to go home.

 カンデラリア Candelaria Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:11 修正

We walked in a colourful town like Spain and returned to the parking lot.

 アロエ・カナリア Aloe Canarias Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:18 修正

We dropped at this aloe shop on the way to a cable car of "Mount Teide". It is a quite normal shop where we saw documents and a video about aloe and visit a souvenir corner at last.
Though the weather was very fine, it started to rain when we came here.

 アロエ・カナリア Aloe Canarias Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:21 修正

I bought an aloe soup and an aloe liquid because it was good for sunburn. We thought a cable car would be cancelled this time, too, bacause the clouds were very thick.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:25 修正

However the sky above the clouds was absolutely blue.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:27 修正

There was a cable car at the slope on the left side, but we were not able to confirm if it worked at this distance.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 4:54 修正

We arrived at a cable car boarding place. They were working !

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:00 修正

A scenery from a cable car was wonderful ! It was nice to challenge to ride again.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:18 修正

It was a bit far between a cable car drop-off point (Altitude 3,555m) and the top. However only people has a climbing permit can go to the top and the rate which is different from a round trip fare of the cable car (27euros) is required. There is also a limit on the number of people who can climb there a day and we must make a reservation from several months ago. 200m to the top is quite a big hurdle.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:21 修正

There are promenades from the drop-off point od the cable car and people can see a beutiful landscape while they are taking a walk. When we walked a little, the smell of the spa town came. We knew it was sulfur because there were yellow rocks.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:23 修正

We enjoyed a wonderful landscape and came back to the spot of the altitude 2,356m by cable car again.

 世界遺産・テイデ国立公園 World Heritage Site/Teide National Park Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:35 修正

"Mount Teide" became far. We enjoyed magnificent views.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:39 修正

We had a dinner at the hotel. We booked a steak restaurant.
3 kinds of butter, 2 kinds of olive oils and Balsamic vunegar.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:41 修正

Hors-d'oeuvre was a raw ham of Iberian pig. Amazing.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:41 修正

We selected a knife for a steak. I chose a Japanese knife and he did a German one.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:42 修正

Large beef steak !

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:43 修正

A garnish was asparagus and mashed potatoes. Sauce is cheese and mushrooms.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:44 修正

We came to a bar at the rooftop after a dinner.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:45 修正

The building with our room was lit by the setting sun.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:46 修正

We drank a frozen cocktail and saw a sunset.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:47 修正

He was shouting something at the sunset.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:48 修正

The sun has set meanwhile.

 ハードロック・ホテル・テネリフェ Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:50 修正

The last night in Tenerife was advancing.

 2018.08.18 プラヤ・デ・ラス・アメリカス Playa de las Americas Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 5:59 修正

We dropped at "Playa de las Americas" on the way to the airport.

 プラヤ・デ・ラス・アメリカス Playa de las Americas Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:00 修正

Firstly we went to the sea.

 プラヤ・デ・ラス・アメリカス Playa de las Americas Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:01 修正

"Las Americas beach"
It's worth being called "Hawaii of the Atlantic Ocean". I though it is slightly cold for Japanese.

 プラヤ・デ・ラス・アメリカス Playa de las Americas Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:02 修正

Water was very beautiful.

 プラヤ・デ・ラス・アメリカス Playa de las Americas Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:06 修正

There were a lot of tide pools.

 プラヤ・デ・ラス・アメリカス Playa de las Americas Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:08 修正

A father and children were observing a creature. A boy who came to me to say "I pick this" and take the trouble to show it was very cute.

 プラヤ・デ・ラス・アメリカス Playa de las Americas Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:09 修正

"Hard Rock Cafe"
We thought we should go there because we stayed "Hard Rock Hotel".

 プラヤ・デ・ラス・アメリカス Playa de las Americas Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:09 修正

"Hard Rock Cafe"
What a gorgeous cafe !

 プラヤ・デ・ラス・アメリカス Playa de las Americas Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:12 修正

"Hard Rock Cafe"
He bought a cap.
Let's go home.

 カナリア諸島 Canary Islands Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:14 修正

It was very fun.

 カナリア諸島 Canary Islands Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:15 修正

"Mount Teide" was seen very well from the airplane.

 ブリュッセル空港 Brussels Airport Junko  2018年9月22日(土) 6:16 修正

We came back.
We visited Georgia and Canary islands for summer vacation this year. Both were better than our expectation. We were satisfied with this summer vacation very much.
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