There is a small town called "Vernon" which lies on the banks of the Seine River, 5km away from Giverny. We visited there. It's "The Old Mill", built around the 16th century. In 1947, the city began its renovation because of the many damages caused during the military operations of the Second World War. Piers are a part of the 12th century medieval bridge. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年8月31日(金) 5:26 |
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There is "Chateau des Tourelles" next to "The Old Mill". It appeared in the document of early in the 13th century for the first time. The castle served as a prison and barracks from 1841 to 1849. It was damaged heavily during the World War II and restored in 1984 and 1997. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年8月31日(金) 5:27 |
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We had a lunch at the park next to "The Old Mill" and "Chateau des Tourelles". We made this sandwitch at the house-hotel. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年8月31日(金) 5:28 |
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公園の中にあった作品の一部になってみました。これは1999年5月1日に公開された「Olivier Gerval」による「人々」という作品です。
He became a part of the work at the park. It's "People" by "Olivier Gerval", inaugurated on May 1, 1999. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年8月31日(金) 5:29 |
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The area around the church which is seen over the river is the old town. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:19 |
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Is the house of the left side OK ? |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:21 |
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We arrived at "Collegiale Notre-Dame" which was seen from a distance. The construction of ot began in around 1072. Its facade dates from the 15th century. This building is one of the oldest in Normandy. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:23 |
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「ノートルダム寺院」 中は、まあ…ふつう。内装は17世紀に完成しています。
"Collegiale Notre-Dame" The interior was quite normal. It was completed in the 17th century. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:24 |
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「Maison du Temps Jadis」 教会横にある建物は1450年から60年のもので、街の中でも最も古い建物のひとつ。観光案内所として使われていました。
"Maison du Temps Jadis" It is a building, next to the church, dating from 1450-1460 having survived the bombing of 1944 and one of the oldest building in the town. It houses the tourist information office. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:25 |
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There is the town hall, built in the 19th century, in front of the church. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:26 |
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We walked on the street and headed for the Seine. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:27 |
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上の通りの昔の写真が掲示されていました。 全然変わってないやん!
The old picture of the street was displayed. Nothing was changed at all. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:28 |
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セーヌ川に到着。 川向こうに「水車小屋」と「Tourelles城」が見えます。
We reached the Seine. "The Old Mill" and "Chateau des Tourelles" were seen at the opposite side of the river. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:28 |
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ウオーキングを続けます。 木枠組の家々の間を通って…
We kept walking. We went between half-timbered houses. |
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:33 |
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We arrived at "Le jardin des Arts" where The Archives tower of the ancient castle, built in around the 12th century, was left.
ヴェルノン Vernon Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:37 |
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「ヴェルノン博物館」 15世紀に建てられた建物の中にあります。博物館は1862年にオープンしました。外から見てヴェルノンを後にします。ブリュッセルに帰るよ。
"Musee Alphonse-Georges-Poulain". It is housed in the buildings, dating from the 15th century. The museum opened in 1862. We looked at only the appearance and left Vernon. We were going back to Brussels. |
Chateau de Grouchy Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:41 |
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We dropped in on the way back home. We heared there was a castle on the way and decided to visit there. We parked a car at the parking lot and walked a promenade in the forest. |
Chateau de Grouchy Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:42 |
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We arrived at the castle. The construction of it began in 1787 and the castle was restored from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. |
Chateau de Grouchy Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:44 |
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The castle is surrounded by a forest and a park. We walked a promenade a littel. |
Chateau de Grouchy Junko 2018年9月1日(土) 4:45 |
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In 1987 finally, the wonderful castle in the park is bought by the municipality of Osny, which installs its town hall and an exhibition gallery. |