
修正キー (英数8文字以内)
 (No.4 9月 September) ベルギービール46 Belgian Beer 46 Masaki  2014年9月3日(水) 2:52
「キャスティール・トリプル Kasteelbier Triple」

This strong beer features heavy taste. However it's a sweet and fruity beer basecally. The alcohol percentage is 11% almost as same as wine. Dark reddish colour with tiny golden/off-white head. Aroma of herbs, malts, some fruits, similar are flavours.

 ベルギービール47 Belgian Beer 47 Masaki  2014年9月6日(土) 3:42 修正
Ellezelloise Quintine Blonde」

It is brewed at Ellezelloise brewery. I heard Quintine means the name of the youngest witch who was executed when witch‐hunting was done in this district in the Middle Ages. A stopper of this beer is not the crown. It's a strong ale beer and I couldn't feel sweetness rarely. Pale yellow with a full white soapy head. Aroma is sweet, fresh fruits, citrus, yeast, spices. Flavor is sweet and bitter fresh fruits, citrus, yeast, spices, malt. Alcohol percentage is 8%.

 ベルギービール48 Belgian Beer 48 Masaki  2014年9月7日(日) 2:29 修正
「オメール・トラディッショナル・ブロンド  Omer. Traditional Blond」

Brond ale beer. It is brewed at Bockor brewery. Hops works very well in this beer. Golden with huge off-white head. Aroma is sweet, grains, malt. Alcohol percentage is 8%.

 ベルギービール49 Belgian Beer 49 Masaki  2014年9月7日(日) 2:43 修正
「リエヌ Lienne」
Brasserie de la Lienne醸造所で醸造。影のある琥珀色で泡立ちは白く普通。粗挽きされた酵母と素朴なスパイスの香りがします。甘く麦芽、ハーブ、果物の味がします。アルコール度数は7%。

It is brewed at Brasserie de la Lienne brewery. Shady amber, medium off-white head. Grainy malt aroma with some earthy and spicy notes. Tastes sweet, malts, herbs, fruity. Alcohol percentage is 7%.

 ベルギービール50 Belgian Beer 50 Masaki  2014年9月8日(月) 1:08 修正
「ヴァル・デュー ブラウン Val-Dieu Brune」

It is brewed at Val-Dieu brewery. I couldn't feel the sweetness and high alcohol percentage of 8%. The colour is dark brown. Aroma is apple, malt, caramel, fruit. Flavour is fruit, sugar, malt, apple, caramel, yeast.

 ベルギービール51 Belgian Beer 51 Masaki  2014年9月8日(月) 2:36 修正
「シント・ベルナルデュス プリオール6 St. Bernardus Pater 6」

This beer's name means St. Bernard who built a shelter shed by his own effort in the 10th century because there were a lot of tourists who wrecked when they went over the Alps mountain pass. The colour is dark brown. It has a aroma of harbs and a caramel. It is brewed at the same name brewery. Nice flavor of dark fruit, candi sugar, and light chocolate. Alcohol percentage is 6.7%.

 ベルギービール52 Belgian Beer 52 Masaki  2014年9月11日(木) 5:03 修正
「シント・ベルナルデュス プリオール8 St. Bernardus Pater 8」

Dark brown, creamy stable head. Malty with dried fruits and bananas in aroma. In taste fruity, malty with candi syrup noticable. Alcohol percentage is 8%.

 ベルギービール(番外編9) Belgian Beer (Extra Version 9) Masaki  2014年9月16日(火) 4:33 修正
「ペローニ Peroni」

I will introduce Italian beer because I went on a journey of Milan. This beer started at Vigevano of Lombarda state in 1846 and is owned by SAB Miller now. Now Peroni is most famous and used beer in Italy. It's very easy to drink. Pours pale yellow with no head. Aroma is typical pale lager. Taste is about the same. Overall typical, average euro lager. Alcohol percentage is 4.5%.

 ベルギービール(番外編10) Belgian Beer (Extra Version 10) Masaki  2014年9月16日(火) 4:47 修正
「メナブレア・アンバー MENABREA AMBER」

This beer is brewed at Biella in Piemonte state which is foamous for good Italian wine. Recently it takes some kind of prize at a competitive show called the international beer championship which is held in Chicago, United States every year. I'm not sure it's true or not, it is called "a rare beer" in Italy. I had it at a famous cafe "Cova". It may be one of the causes that I felt good taste. Nuts next to a beer was also good. Clear amber color, white small white head. Aroma is honey and caramel with addition of vegetables. Alcohol percentage is 5%.

 ベルギービール53 Belgian Beer 53 Masaki  2014年9月16日(火) 4:51 修正
「ヴァル・デュー トリプル Val-Dieu Triple」

Belgian beer re-starts from here. This golden beer has a rich aroma and medium white head. Taste is very sweet and I can't feel storong alcohol percentage of 9%.

 ベルギービール54 Belgian Beer 54 Masaki  2014年9月21日(日) 3:23 修正
「シント・ベルナルデュス トリプル St. Bernardus Triple」

This beer has a pale amber colour and a flowery, fruity taste with a harmonious balance between sweet and sour (8% alcohol content). The aroma of green plants and orange are characteristic.

 ベルギービール55 Belgian Beer 55 Masaki  2014年9月21日(日) 3:28 修正
「ヴァル・デュー ブロンド Val-Dieu Bronde」

The colour of the beer is slight fuzzy gold. Two kind of traditional hops are used. It has rich white head which is very creamy. It has the aroma of hop, nuts and chestnut. Taste is light and good for Belgian beer. Alcohol percentage is 6%.

 ベルギービール56 Belgian Beer 56 Masaki  2014年9月21日(日) 16:58 修正
「欧和 Owa」
日本人醸造家、今井礼欧氏が作るベルギービール。OWA Brewery SPRL醸造所の作品。オレンジがかった明るいアンバー色。麦、コーンなどの甘い香り、ほのかに柑橘系のフルーティーな香りもありますが、やはり日本人の手によるからかあまり甘さを感じません。アルコール度数は5.5%。

Japanese brewer, Mr. Reio Imai makes this Belgian beer. It is a product of OWA Brewery SPRLThe colour is orangish light amber. Though it has sweet aroma of wheat, corn and slight fruity aroma of citrus, I can't feel sweetness in this beer probably because Japanese makes it. Alcohol percentage is 5.5%.

 ベルギービール57 Belgian Beer 57 Masaki  2014年9月21日(日) 20:34 修正
「サン・フューイェン・トリプル St-Feuillien Triple」

It's a golden beer which has a rich white head. Fruity aroma harmonize with faint bitterness well. Alcohol percentage is 8.5%.

 ベルギービール58 Belgian Beer 58 Masaki  2014年9月22日(月) 4:19 修正
「ジネット ナチュラル フルーツ Ginette Natural Fruit」
ベルギーの自然食品「BIO」で売っているビール。Brasserie La Binchoise醸造所で醸造。色は赤色。ビールとは思えません。圧倒的なラズベリーの香りと味がします。アルコール度数は4%。

This beer is sold at "BIO" of a natural food shop in Belgium. It is brewed at Brasserie La Binchoise brewery. The cokour is red. The aroma is rasberry. Doesn’t feel like a beer. Dominant raspberry aroma and taste. Alcohol percentage is 4%.

 ベルギービール59 Belgian Beer 59 Masaki  2014年9月22日(月) 4:23 修正
「シント・ベルナルデュス プリオール12 St. Bernardus Pater 12」

The colour is fuzzy dark brown. It has an aroma of a sweet grass and a lemon. I can feel the littel bit fravor of Medicinal herb liqueur at last. It's a solid beer. Alcohol percentage is 10%.

 ベルギービール60 Belgian Beer 60 Masaki  2014年9月29日(月) 6:25 修正
「ブルージュ トリプル Brugge Tripel」

It's a local beer of Brugge as the name indicated. It was brewed at Gouden Boom brewery and alcohol percentage is 9%. Raw materials are barley, molt and hopp like normal a beer. The colour is dazzlingly gold. Aroma and taste are sweet with malts, some fruits and caramel.

 ベルギービール61 Belgian Beer 61 Masaki  2014年9月29日(月) 6:35 修正
「ランス・クッション Rince Cochon」

I don't understand a history of this beer well. I've heard it was brewed for Carrefour supermarket at Haach brewry originally and the brewing continues there even now. The colour is gold and has few head. Taste is normal beer and alcohol percentage is high in 8.5%. Honestly I bought it for a cute label.
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