
修正キー (英数8文字以内)
 2014.08.11 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:11

We go to Bratislava. It takes 1 hour 15 minutes from Vienna by the expressway ship going down the Danube. A fare is 30 euro and a reserved seat is 5 euro. Bratislava is the capitol of Slovakia. It is unusual for the capital of the sovereign state and the municipal area adjoins the border of 2 countries of Austria and Hungary. It is the nearest capitol to Vienna and the relations of both are very close from ancient times

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:12 修正

Fisherman's houses. Cute !

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:13 修正

We went through such a town on the way.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:13 修正

We saw Bratislava castle ahead of us

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:14 修正

Firstly we went to the tourist information of the city. The population of Bratislava is 430,000 and it seems to tend to decrease

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:22 修正
市長はここで執務をします。1777 〜 1781年に建てられたこの宮殿は、もともとハンガリーのエステルゴムに置かれている大司教の冬の宮殿として建設され、ハンガリー王国時代は王族が戴冠式の際にこの宮殿で盛大な晩餐会を催したとも言われています。

Primate's Palace
The mayor works here. Originally this palace which was built in 1777-1781 was the winter palace of an archbishop of Estergom in Hungary. It is said that the imperial family held a grand dinner in this palace in the case of the coronation for the Hungarian kingdom era.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:24 修正
中世より市の中心広場として使われた広場です。広場の中心にある噴水は「ロランド噴水」と 呼ばれ、1572年、当時のオーストリア皇帝マクシミリアン 2世の命を受けて作られたブラチスラバ最古の公共水汲み場です。その中心に立つ騎士像は皇帝マクシミリアンですが、中世都市の保護騎士ロランドであるとの風説もあります。騎士像は年に 1度大晦日の夜に回れ右をし、6番地の屋敷に向かい、その屋敷の持ち主でブラチスラバを守って亡くなった議員に敬意を表してお辞儀をするという伝説があります。

Hlavne namestie (literally "Main Square")
It has been used the central square of the city from the Middle Ages. The fountain which is the center of the square is called "Roland Fountain" and it is the oldest public water drawer ground in Bratislava which was made by the order of the Austrian emperor Maximilien II of those days. The statue of the knight which stands in the center of the park is Maximilien II, but some says it's the protection knight Roland of the Middle Ages city. The statue face about once a year on new year's eve night and go to the mansion of 6. And there is a legend that he takes a bow in honor of a member of the Diet who was a owner of the mansion and dead to protect Bratislava.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:26 修正

Old town hall. It is the oldest city hall in the country and it is one of the oldest stone buildings still standing in Bratislava, with the tower being built approximately in 1370. The town hall was created in the 15th century by connecting three townhouses, and then went through several reconstructions in the course of the centuries. It houses the oldest museum in Bratislava, the Bratislava City Museum, founded in 1868, featuring an exhibit of the city history and an exhibit of torture devices.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:27 修正

"Franciscan Church"
It is said he history of this church began in the 13th century and it is one of the oldest churches in Bratislava along with St. Martin's cathedral.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:29 修正
スロバキアの郷土料理が食べられる「プラシュナー・パシュタ」でランチ。このビールは、ドイツ、バイエルン州ミュンヘンの市街地から北東にあるエルディングという町にあるビール醸造所で作られています。(スロヴァキアのビールではありません)エルディンガー・ヴァイスビアというのは白ビール(小麦ビール)です。 ヴァイスビアを専門とする醸造所として世界最大の生産量をもちます。ヴァイスビアとしてドイツ国内でもっとも飲まれているビールです。

We had a lunch at "Prasna Basta" which served traditional Slovak cuisine. This beer is brewed at Erding in the northeast from the city area of State of Bayern Munich, Germany. (Not Slovak beer) Erdinger Weissbrau is white beer (wheat beer). As the brewery which makes a speciality of Weissbrau, they have the world's largest amount of production. As Weissbrau, it is drunken most in Germany.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:30 修正

Telacie kusky s dubakovou omackou petrzlenova ryza - Slices of veal with porcini muschroom sauce, parsley rice. It was very nice.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:32 修正

"Bryndzove halusky"
This hearty meal consists of boiled lumps of potato and flour dough and a soft sheep cheese, optionally sprinkled with cooked bits of smoked pork bacon. It was better than it looked.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:34 修正

I thought I would eat a light dessert, but terribly big one was served. Nevertheless I ate all.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:35 修正
旧市街地はもともと城壁で囲まれていました。唯一中世様式が残っている「ミハエル門」。マリア・テレジアがこの街のさらなる発展を考えて 18世紀後半にこのミハエル門を除いて全て撤去しました。外門に通じる石橋は、昔お堀の上を渡していたはね橋の代わりに18世紀に造られたもので、ヤン・ネポムツキー(チェコの聖人、橋と川の守護聖人でもある)と大天使ミハエルをあしらったバロック式の銅像があります。

Originally the old town was surrounded by the wall of castle. Michael's Gate is the only city gate that has been preserved of the medieval fortifications. Maria Theresa thought about the further development of this town and removed all gates except Michael's gate. The stone bridge leads to the outside gate was made in the 18th century instead of a drawbridge which had been built over the moat in old times. There is a baroque style statue with John of Nepomuk (a national saint of the Czech Republic, also a patron saint of a bridge and a river) and an archangel Michael.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:39 修正
もともとは、 18世紀ハンガリー議会の長でマリア・テレジアの相談役を務めていたグラサルコビッチ伯の宮殿でした。ハイドンは、この宮殿でしばしば宮廷楽団の指揮を振ったと言われています。

"An official residence of the President"
Originally it was the palace of Count Antal Grassalkovich who was a adviser of Maria Theresia and the head of the Hungarian Chamber. Haydn often conducted the imperial court orchestra in this palace.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:40 修正

The old town is crowded with people.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:41 修正

"Santa Chiara Church" Only the wall remains.
This church is often called "Bratislava Notre Dame" because it's similar to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. It was built with a Gothic style in 1400.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:42 修正
14 世紀初頭から約 200年間かけて建てられた教会。1563年から 1830年まで歴代ハンガリー王の戴冠式が行われたところとして知られており、1741年にはマリア・テレジアもこの教会で戴冠しました。教会の尖塔には金色のハンガリー王冠のレプリカが飾られており、中央祭壇の後方のステンドグラ スにも戴冠式を象徴する王冠が描かれています。

"St. Martin's Cathedral"
It's the church which was built for approximately 200 years from the early 14th century. It is known by the place where the coronations of successive kings of Hungary were held from 1563 to 1830 and also Maria Theresa was crowned here in 1741. A replica of golden Hungarian crown is displayed on a spire of the church and the crown which symbolizes the coronation draws on the stained glass at the back of the central alter.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:43 修正
教会地下のお墓。ひんやりしてます。著名な高僧や国の高官、ハンガ リーの大司教などが葬られています。

The cemetery of the underground of the church. It's cold. Famous high priests, high officials of the country and Hungarian archbishops are buried.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:44 修正

There is a someone's coffin in a back. Let's make the end here.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:45 修正
丘の上だからねー。頑張って歩きました。でも月曜日なのでクローズされてて中は見られず。「ひっくり返ったテーブル」の愛称で地元の人々に親しまれています。起源は紀元前(鉄器時代:紀元前 6世紀以前)まで遡ります。ケルト人、ローマ人(1世紀頃)によって建物が築かれ、 9世紀大モラビア王国時代には宮殿及びバシリカが作られ行政機関の中心として使われていました。

"Bratislava Castle"
We walked with a effort because it's on the hill. But this castle was closed on Monday and we couldn't see the inside. It is got close to a local persons by the pet name called "an overturned table". The origin went back to the BC (The Iron Age : Before the BC 6th century).The building was built by Celtic, Roman (About the 1st century) A Ppalace and a basilica were made for the large Moravia kingdom era of the ninth century and used for the center of an administrative organ.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:47 修正
ブラチスラバ城がもっとも栄えたのは 18世紀のマリア・テレジアの時代で、同世紀後半に宮廷として相応しいようバロック風に改築され、マリア・テレジアは義理の息子であるアルベルト・テッ シェンにハンガリー総督としての地位及びこの住まいを与えました。マリア・テレジア自身も居城として 1760-80年まで使用しており、しばしばここで裁判も開かれました。

The old town from "Bratislava Castle"
Bratislava Castle prospered the most in the times of Maria Theresa of the 18th century and it was rebuilt in the latter half in the century by a baroque style to suit the Imperial Court. Maria Theresa gave the position of Hangarian governor and this castle to Albert of Saxe-Teschen who was son-in-low. She also used here for her residence castles from 1760 to 1780 and a trial was sometimes held here.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:48 修正
配管工の像、通称: "見つめる君"

"Man at Work" It is commonly called "The Watcher".
This bronze statue leans forward from a manhole and always watches something with a smile. Though there are some bronze statues such as the guard in front of the •Japanese Embassy, Napoleon in front of the French Embassy and the paparazzi with a camera in the old town, this "The Watcher" is the most famous.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:49 修正

A back view of "The Watcher". Everyone took pictures of him. It was made about 20 years ago.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:50 修正

"The Opera House"
There are the old theatre and the new one in Bratislava and an opera, a ballet, a drama use two theatre, depending on a program. An opera or a ballet is presented here from 19 of every night during the season (October-June). Group tours for appriciation are made in Austria because people can see an opera or a ballet at a reasonable price. The Neo-Renaissance building was built in 1885–1886 during the time of Austria-Hungary.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:51 修正

"St Elizabeth's Church"
It is commonly called "Blue Church". The church was built in 1907-1908. We only went along the side. It's a very beautiful church which unifies the exterior and the interior with blue.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:53 修正

We returned to Vienna by stagecoach bus. We went through the corn field. We felt uneasy whether we could go back to Vienna.

 ブラチスラバ Bratislava Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 3:56 修正

Even though the fare of going was 35 euro, the return was 7.7 euro.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:02 修正

We came back to Vienna in the evening and went shpping. Vienna kiln which was opened by du Paquier of Vienna court in 1718 and has the second longest history in Europe became "Augarten" later. It is famous for the series of the room of Maria Theresa because she appointed it in a porcelain kiln of the Imperial Family direct control.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:04 修正

The Japanese Imperial Family purchase them.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:08 修正

It's a series of myosotis which Japanese Empress purchased. I heard It is 110,000 yen with coffee cup and saucer one set in Japan. It's about half here. After we decided the shape and the picture, we could choose what we liked from several ones because they were completely handmade. I heard there was a difference in a atmosphere of each painters' products. I took the product of No. 305 painter of myosotis.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:09 修正
映画「第三の男」に出てきた観覧車にのります。「プラーター」という名前の由来には諸説ありますが、ラテン語で「草原」を意味する単語 pratum から来たものだという説が最も広く信じられています。

We would take the Ferris wheel which appeared in the movie "The Third Man". There are several theories about the origin of the name of "Plater", but the most well believed theory is that it was from the word "pratum" which means a meadow in Latin.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:11 修正

Was this park so excellent from old days? We were very surprised that it was very different from an atmosphere when I came before. Besides if we think we came here by not subway but tram, I heard the subway was lengthened to here at the time of UEFA euro championship of 2008.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:12 修正

I think it was quieter before. It became the excellent amusement park.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:14 修正

An atmosphere of the inside hasn't changed. It was built by Walter Basset Basset of the British ex‐serviceman in 1897. He built 4 Ferris wheels and this is the only existing one of them.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:16 修正

Tickets. A ticket office also became excellent. The ferris wheel burned up in the flames of World War II and there were some opinion that it should be withdrawn. It kept on enduring by reducing 30 passenger cars to 15 and the burden to a ring. More than half a century, it was the world's largest active Ferris wheel until the Giant Wheel (not exist) which was built at Kobe portopia land in 1981 overtook.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:17 修正

It seems that we can have a dinner by reservations.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:22 修正

It's the oldest restaurant in Vienna. It's old-established restaurant built in 1447 and Famous composers such as Beethven, Schubert, Brahms, Wagner and so on.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:25 修正

First of all, beer. This beer is Pilsner Urquell and brewed in Plzen of Czech since 1842. Such being the case, this is not Austrian but Czech.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:29 修正
「リントズッペ ミット グリースノッケール」

"Griessnockerlsuppe" It's semolina dumplings in consomme. We had also "Leberknodelsuppe" which is lever dumpling in consomme insead of demolina.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:31 修正

"Gegrillter Wiener Zwiebelrostbraten"
Thin Slice of roasted sirloin with a sauce of fried onions.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:33 修正

Roast of meat and deep-fried blood sausages.

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:36 修正

There are a lot of autopraphes of the celebrity including Mozart at "Mark Twain Room"(Popular name "Autograph room"

 ウィーン Vienna Junko  2014年8月28日(木) 4:37 修正

It's a drink with Tirol flavor somehow which I bought in a supermarket. Taste wasn't very good. The name is Almdudler. It is made of a essence syrup matured in the wooden barrel of a oak and brought into production from 1954 in Vienna. It was sold also in the countries auch as Germany, Swizerland, Belgium and Poland. It is said it include sugar, water, herb and lemon.
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