
修正キー (英数8文字以内)
 2014.04.18 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 4:38

It is a little bit old story, it was a trip to Romania and Bulgaria where we had not been. Fiest of all, this is Castel Peles. King Carol I of Romania (1839-1914) first visited the site of the future castle in 1866 and fell in love with the magnificent mountain scenery.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 4:40 修正

This is the inside. It is built at Sinaia. It takes 2 hours by bus from Bucharest.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 4:43 修正

The monarchy commissioned the construction of a royal hunting preserve and summer retreat on the property and it was built between 1873 and 1914. Though it is said that it has 160 rooms, naturaliy we can see only the part of them.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 4:45 修正

Though it is said that the inside is made with each style of renaissance, baroque and rococo. I don't know well which is which. This is a room of music.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 4:48 修正

This is a dining room. A lot of treasures are displayed and they are so beautiful. However if I compare them with French or some other country, I feel they are slightly simple, because Romania is a small country.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:09 修正
修道院で生産されたワイン買いました。Mihail Cantacuzino王子はシナイ山への巡礼から帰った後、この修道院を創建しました。最初の建物は1690から95年にかけて完成しました。1735年から1739年のロシア-トルコ戦争の最中にオスマントルコ軍がこの地域を焼き払いました。この写真のグレート・チャーチは1842年に建設が始まり、1846年に完成しました。

"Sinaia Monastery"
I bought a bottle of wine made at this monastery. Prince Mihail Cantacuzino founded the monastery upon his return from a pilgrimage to Mount Sinai. The first buildings were completed between 1690 to 1695. In the midst of the Russo–Turkish War, 1735–1739, the Ottomans burned the area. The construction of The Great Church of this photo began in 1842 and was completed in 1846.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:12 修正

The next is the Bran Castle which is the model of castle of "Dracula the vampire". There isn't such a fearful feeling on the exterior of a building. Originally it was built by German merchants to look out for the Ottoman Empire forces in 1377.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:22 修正

Inside of the castle.
Because it's a castle of the typical Middle Ages to rise on a rocky mountain, we felt it's a fort rather than castle.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:26 修正

The Lord of Wallachia, Vlado I took up residence at this castle in the end of 14th century. Vlad III who was the model of Dracula was his grandchild. He was well known as "Vlad the Impaler"(Vlad Tepes) because of his practice of impaling Turkish soldiers as his enemies and arranging them.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:30 修正

We eat a dinner while watching an ethnic dance at night in Bucharest. Though it's a ground meat rolled in cabbage leaves of main dish, we are full with the hors d'oeuvres which we ate before this

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:31 修正

These are dancers. Though they must dance every day, I don't know why there is a well-built old bird.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:41 修正

Today we will go to Bulgaria. This is Rock-hewn Churches of Ivanovo which is the world heritage. This is the small heritage relativrly. The caves in the region had been inhabited by monks from the 1220s, when it was founded by the future Patriarch of Bulgaria Joachim, to the 17th century, where they hewed cells, churches and chapels out of solid rock. At the peak of the monastery complex, the number of churches was about 40, while the other premises were around 300, most of which are not preserved today.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:43 修正

There is a little protrusion to outside in the cave. If we stand there, we get very very scared, because we have already climbed to the considerably high place.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:45 修正

A lot of frescos like this remains in the cave.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:46 修正
外から見るとこんな感じ。14世紀にはブルガリア一帯のヘシカズムの中心地となり、オスマン帝国に組み込まれた当初も存続し続けましたが、漸次衰退していきました。修道院の建築物群の名声は、その多くを13世紀から14世紀にかけてのフレスコ画に負っています。それらは教会群の内の5つの教会に保存されており、中世ブルガリア美術の傑作として評価されています。岩窟施設群は修道士たちに使われていたもので、大天使聖ミカエル礼拝堂、洗礼堂、Gospodev Dol礼拝堂、聖テオドルス礼拝堂や、中心となる聖母教会などを含んでいました。特に聖母教会に残る14世紀の壁画はおそらく最も有名なもので、かつPalaeologan美術の最も優れた例証とされています。

Scenery from the outside. It was a centre of hesychasm in the Bulgarian lands in the 14th century and continued to exist in the early centuries of the Ottoman rule of Bulgaria, but gradually decayed. The monastery complex owes much of its fame to 13th- and 14th-century frescoes, preserved in 5 of the churches, which are thought of as wonderful examples of Bulgarian mediaeval art. The rock premises used by the monks include the St Archangel Michael Chapel ("The Buried Church"), the Baptistery, the Gospodev Dol Chapel, the St Theodore Church ("The Demolished Church") and the main Church, with the 14th-century murals in the latter one being arguably the most famous of all in Ivanovo and noted as some of the most representative examples of Palaeologan art.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:48 修正

From the restaurant of Veliko Tarnovo which we ate a lunch. This is the hometown of "Koto-osyu" who was a smou wrestler. When I asked the waiter about it, he said he was asked the same question by Japanese yesterday too.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:49 修正

Scenery of the town

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:52 修正

Patriarchal Cathedral of the Holy Ascension of God on top of the fortified Tsarevets. The current building of the Patriarchal Cathedral is considered by scholars to have been built in two stages. The first stage of construction was carried out in the late 11th century or the 12th century. The compound suffered large-scale damage caused by a fire, which necessitated the church's reconstruction in middle of the 14th century. Besides repair and reinforcement efforts, work on the church in the 14th century also included the construction of the exonarthex and the bell tower. The Patriarchal Cathedral was destroyed after the Ottomans captured the Bulgarian capital after their Siege of Tarnovo on 17 July 1393. The church was fully reconstructed in the 20th century.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 5:55 修正

The ruins of a castle on the same hill. It served as the Second Bulgarian Empire's primary fortress and strongest bulwark from 1185 to 1393, housing the royal and the patriarchal palaces. In 1393, the stronghold was besieged by Ottoman forces for three months before finally being conquered and burnt down on 17 July, which marked the fall of the Bulgarian Empire.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 6:08 修正

Finally we went to Arbanassi which had the announcement that Middle Ages was remained as it was. However we felt a atmosphere of the village used to sightseeing. There are alot of places which remain a atmosphere of Middle Ages in Europe. It is accepted by some scholars that the village was populated by Bulgarian boyars that came from the westernmost parts of the Second Bulgarian Empire after Ivan Asen II's important victory over the Byzantines near Klokotnitsa on 9 March 1230.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 6:12 修正

We went for sightseeing of Bucharest, the capital of Rumania. This is Piata Revolutiei. Rumanian revolution in 1989 began here. This building is Central University Library of Bucharest. The building was completed in 1893 and opened on 14 March 1895. During the Romanian Revolution of 1989, a fire was started in the building and over 500,000 books, along with 3,700 manuscripts, were burnt. Starting in April 1990, the building was repaired and modernized, being reopened on 20 November 2001.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 6:16 修正

"Cretulescu Church"
This is one of the buildings surrounding the Piata Revolutiei. The church was commissioned in 1720–1722. Originally, the exterior was painted, but since the restoration work done in 1935–1936, the facade is made of brick.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 6:20 修正
ここはブカレストである意味一番の見もの、国民の館。チャウシェスク大統領が宮殿として作ったもので実に部屋数3107! アメリカのペンタゴンに続く世界で2番めに大きい建物。こんなもの自分のためだけに作ったら革命も起こるだろうという代物。残念ながらこの日は入場不可だったが、外からでもそのバカバカしさはわかります。建築は1984年に始まり1997年に完成しました。

This is People's Palace which is the first to see in Bucharest in a sense. This building is made by Nicolae Ceausescu as the palace and has 3107 rooms in deed. The building is the second biggest in the world following the Pentagon in U.S. I can understand that this stuff caused the revolution if it was made only for one person. Unfortunately, it was impossible to enter this day, we could find absurdness even if we saw only the appearances. The construction started in 1984 an d was completed in 1997.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 6:21 修正

Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral of the Rumanian Eastern Orthodox Church. The structure was begun in 1654 and completed in 1658.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 6:25 修正

There is the bust of Vlad Tepes, who is a model of Dracula, in the city of Bucharest for some reason.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 6:37 修正

The restaurant "Caru cu Bere" which we wanted to visit but we couldn't. It is established in 1879. The guide let us take only the picture.

 ルーマニア・ブルガリア旅行 Trip to Romania and Bulgaria Masaki  2014年7月25日(金) 6:41 修正

Triumphal arch in commemoration of victory of World War I. It is said this arch was wooden plaster coat at first, Romanian carvers remade it in a current figure in 1936. Tough it's difficult for Japanese to come to these countries, they are unsophisticated and nice countries. The buildings which lets us think it was a communist state in old days remains.
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